Israeli occupation bulldozers, on Monday, demolished a Palestinian owned home in Anata village,  northeast of Jerusalem, and confiscated hundreds of dunams of land in Budrus village, to the west of Ramallah.

Soldiers demolished a home owned by Saleh Fheidat, in Anata village, under the pretext of building without a permit.

According to Fheidat , Israeli occupation forces and the so-called “Civil Administration” stormed the area and proceeded to demolish and dismantle its house, which houses seven people without prior warning, and without prior notice of demolition, and threw its contents in the open.

He said that occupation authorities had demolished a house of 80 meters for the family, more than a month ago, which forced him to live in a mobile home located about 40 meters from the demolished house before returning to demolish the second house.

In the context of the restrictions on Palestinians, Israeli forces seized hundreds of dunams of land from the village of Budrus, in Ramallah, where the Palestinian association informed that hundreds of dunams of Palestinian land were confiscated for “security purposes”.

PNN further reports that authorities gave residents of the village a week to object to the decision, in the courts of the occupation, after informing them of their plans for seizure.

Israeli occupation authorities have taken hundreds of dunams from the village’s land to build the Apartheid Wall. 80% of the village’s land has been confiscated since the Nakba.