Israeli forces detained, Monday morning, nine Palestinian civilians, including a minor, from the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS).

The PPS said that the occupation forces detained two Palestinians from the Hebron district Al-Arroub refugee camp; identified as Hamada Adawi, and Ahmed Raafat Al-Badawi, a minor, while his brother, Ahmed Emad Al-Badawi, also a minor, submitted a statement for Israeli intelligence review.

In the northern West Bank town of Ya`bad, southwest of Jenin, Israeli soldiers detained; a former prisoner, Baha Adnan Abu Bakr, 25, and Osama Riyad Turkman, 18.

In the central West Bank district of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, the Israeli forces detained two former prisoners Awni Fares, and Fakhri Hammad, from the Al-Amari refugee camp, and Saeed Ahmed Abu Shalbaya, 18, also from Al-Amari camp, east of Ramallah city.

In the northern West Bank town of Saida, in Tulkarem, Ahmed Muhammad Radad, 33, was detained, as was Adam Shafiq Obeid, from Al-‘Isawiya town in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Israeli police invaded al-‘Isawiya neighborhood in East Jerusalem, which several Palestinian youths attempted to stop, by throwing stones and fireworks at the police, the Palestinian Information Centre reported.

It noted that the police responded by firing rubber-coated steel rounds and tear-gas canisters at the protestors. No injuries were reported.

Also in the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem, in Tuqu town, similar protests were seen as Palestinian youths rejected the Israeli military invasion of their town.

An Israeli army spokesman announced, Sunday evening, the detention of a Palestinian youth from Gaza who crossed the maritime border of the northern Gaza Strip, Quds Press reported.

PIC stated that the Israeli Navy found the unarmed youth 200 meters away from Israeli shores, where he was detained and transferred for interrogation.

Images: PPS

~ PPS, QNN, PIC, Quds Press