Several Palestinian workers suffocated, Sunday morning, after Israeli troops fired tear-gas at them, in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, near the Al-Tiba crossing into Israel, west of the city.

Local activists on social media reported that tens of Palestinian workers were exposed, early Sunday morning, to tear gas, after Israeli soldiers, stationed in the place, fired many tear gas canisters, towards them.

The social media activists noted that medical crews provided some first aid to many workers at the scene, a number of the workers were transferred by ambulance to nearby clinics.

Noteworthy, many Palestinians in various West Bank cities, are forced to seek employment outside of the West Bank, as the economy has been severely strained.

Israel is in control of all crossings and roadblocks across the occupied West Bank, and holds the power to deny any Palestinian the freedom of movement.

According to Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, Israel restricts the movement of Palestinians within the Occupied Territories, between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, into Israel, and abroad. Only Palestinians are restricted in this manner, while settlers and other civilians – Israeli and foreign – are free to travel.