Israeli forces shot a Palestinian man, on Friday, near the illegal Yitzhar colony, south of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, the Palestinian WAFA News Agency reported.

In a video, a Palestinian man can be seen laying motionless on the ground, while two armed Israeli colonists and one Israeli soldier stand around the injured man, identified as Mohammad Kamal Aranda.

Aranda, from the nearby Einabus village, who suffers from an unknown neurological condition, was shot in the foot by the Israeli security officer, and then detained and taken to an unknown location.

According to the Times of Israel, the man was “attempting to enter the community of Yitzhar” allegedly carrying a knife, no injuries were reported among Israeli security officers.

Mohammad Kamal Aranda
June 25, 2021

The army said that an Israeli security officer “neutralized” the Palestinian man, when he purportedly refused to obey the officer’s commands to stop.

No information was released about the health condition or location of the injured man.

In the same context, Israeli forces shot a Palestinian woman dead, on June 16, 2021, while she was in her car at the entrance to Hizma town, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the slain woman as Mai Afaneh, 29, from Abu Dis town, southeast of occupied Jerusalem.

WAFA correspondent stated that the Israeli forces opened fire at Afaneh, when she drove her vehicle down an under construction road, at the entrance to Hizma town.

Video from the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission