Israeli navy ships opened fired, on Thursday, at a number of Palestinian fishing boats close to the shore in the besieged Gaza Strip, kidnapped five fishers and confiscated their boat.

|Update; a sixth fisher, identified as Rami Abdul-Mo’ty al-Habeel, was also kidnapped in the same attack|

Zakariyya Bakr, the head of the Fishers Committees at the Union of Agricultural Committees, said the navy ships fired many live rounds towards the boats, west of Wadi Gaza area, less than 4 nautical miles from the shore, and kidnapped five fishers.

Bakr added that the kidnapped fishers have been identified as Mohammad Abdul-Mo’ty al-Habeel, Abdul-Mo’ty Ibrahim al-Habeel, Fayez Abu Fool and Ali Ayman al-Habeel, and Ahmad Mohammad al-‘Arayshy.

The attack is part of frequent violations against the fishers in Gaza waters, in addition to attacks targeting workers and farmers in Palestinian lands across the border fence.