On Tuesday, Israeli police stationed at the gates leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, in Jerusalem’s Old City, prevented the entry of textbooks destined for three Palestinian schools located inside the Muslim holy compound.

The books were going to two high schools and a kindergarten.

The police prevented the entry of the books because they bore the logo of the Palestinian Authority.

The Palestinian school year starts on Wednesday.

Most Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem teach the Palestinian curriculum. The Israel Ministry of Education, run by right-wing extremist Naftali Bennet, is trying to ban use of Palestinian books in occupied Jerusalem and replace them with Israeli-issued textbooks, which Palestinians strongly oppose because the Israeli books distort and misrepresent Palestinian history and culture.

According to WAFA, the West Jerusalem Israeli municipality is also pressing East Jerusalem schools not to teach Palestinian curriculum by denying the schools that teach the Palestinian textbooks financial subsidies while granting those that teach the Israeli curriculum hefty portions of financial assistance.

Archive IMEMC post: 05/17/15 Bennett Wants to See Palestinians Become ‘Water Carriers and Wood Hewers’ for Jews