The Israeli police released, Friday, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein, who was abducted earlier following the fatal shooting in Jerusalem that led to the death of three Palestinians and two Israeli officers. The Police also abducted 58 employees of the Waqf and Endowment Department.

The Mufti was attacked and taken prisoner by the soldiers and officers after he led Friday prayers in front of the Aqsa Mosque gates, after Israel decided to shut it down following the shooting.

He was released after being ordered to pay a 10.000 Israeli Shekels bail, after several hours of detention and interrogation.

The Waqf Department said that the soldiers also assaulted and abducted 58 of its employees following the shooting which took place in the courtyards of the Mosque.

The police interrogated the employees for several hours, and released 53 of them, while three employees, identified as Ayman al-Khailidi, Majed Tamimi and Tariq Sandouqa, were remanded for further interrogation until this coming Monday.

On Friday evening, the Israeli police detained Ahmad Jabarin, the father of Mohammad, after the police and soldiers stormed and ransacked the homes of the thee slain Palestinians.

In addition, undercover Israeli officers caused excessive damage to doors and bathrooms in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and assaulted many worships before forcing them away from the holy site.

In related news, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided that the Al-Aqsa Mosque will remain closed until Sunday.

The decision came during a meeting held by Netanyahu with Israel’s Internal Security Minister, the Police Commissioner, and other military and police officials, in order to discuss the rising tension.

On his part, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas phoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, denounced the shooting attack in Al-Aqsa courtyard, and affirmed his rejection and condemnation to any sort of violence, committed by any individual or party, especially in holy sites.

Abbas also called on Netanyahu to reconsider the decision to close Al-Aqsa, and warned that any move that impacts holy and historic sites could drag the region into an endless cycle of escalation and violence.

Netanyahu told Abbas that the closure is temporary, and that there will be no changes on the current status quo of the holy sites.

The Palestinian Authority also contacted officials in Jordan, asking them to pressure Israel into reopening the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The closure this Friday, prevented prayers in the mosque for the first time in fifty years.

Jordan, the custodian of Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, contacted Israel and urged the immediate reopening of the holy site.