The Israeli military, along with paramilitary colonial settlers, invaded a number of cities in the West Bank on Thursday, abducting a number of Palestinians and wounding 26.

At dawn on Thursday, the first day of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, Israeli forces invaded al-Mughayir village in the Ramallah district, in the central West Bank, and abducted seven Palestinians.

In addition, the troops invaded Abu Shukheidim village in northern Ramallah and kidnaped an ex-detainee called Hamoud Naser, the brother of prisoner Ziyad as-Sous who is serving four life sentences.

The army invaded Birzeit town in Ramallah and clashed with local youth. Israeli troops fired live ammunition, injuring one young Palestinian in the leg.

In a separate incident, right-wing Israeli colonial settlers invaded the town of Rujeib, in Nablus district, and set fire to a Palestinian car belonging to a local resident.

Right-wing Israeli settlers also invaded at-Tuwanah village in the south of al-Khalil (Hebron), in the southern West Bank, and assaulted local residents.

Israeli soldiers participated in the settler attack, firing live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets, injuring eight, including one who was shot in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet.

Some of the wounded Palestinians were abducted by the Israeli military. Soldiers also prevented Palestinian medics from treating the wounded.

In central Jerusalem, Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian homes in the town of at-Tur, and Israeli police attacked Palestinians, leading to 18 injuries.

In Sur Baher as well, in East Jerusalem, Israeli forces invaded the town and Palestinian youth threw stones and tried to repel the invading army. Several were injured, and Israeli troops prevented ambulances from reaching the wounded.