Groups of extremist Israeli settlers stormed, early on Wednesday, Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyards from Al-Magariba gate.

Jerusalemite sources reported that 176 Israeli settlers stormed the compound, accompanied by tight protection of Israeli police.

Palestinian worshippers and students confronted the provocative tours with the chanting of protest slogans and Takbeer (“Allahu Akhbar — God is Greatest”).

Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency additionally reports that two Palestinian children were detained from the mosque courtyards on Tuesday morning, while dozens of settlers stormed it from Magharba gate, escorted by Israeli special forces.

The settlers are usually divided into groups, and accompanied by rabbis who provide explanations about the so-called “Temple Mount”. Palestinian devotees again confronted them with chants of “Allahu Akhbar”.

Extremist Israeli settlers and politicians regularly violate the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque on an almost daily basis, and always under the protection of armed occupation forces, which often attack Palestinian worshipers who try to protect their holy site.

Related interest —  Rabbi Lau: 3rd Temple Can be Built Without Destroying Al Aqsa (VIDEO)