The Palestinian Center for development and media freedoms monitored, in November, a total of 31 violations against media freedom, committed by Israeli occupation, and different Palestinian apparatuses in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, noting that the total violations topped at 27, whilst Palestinian parties committed 4 violations.

Israeli Occupation Violations:

Israeli occupation violations against media freedoms, monitored during November, witnessed a high escalation (27violations) compared to what was monitored in October (11 violations).

As most of the Israeli violations monitored were considered the gravest, besides restrictions targeting right to movement for many journalists and media outlets, Israeli occupation authorities banned a total of 28 journalists (male/female) from travel, and passage through Gaza check point to the occupied West Bank, although they applied, previously, for permits that would enable them pass the crossing to cover Fateh’s 7th Conference, that took place in Ramallah for 6 days.

According to PNN’s report, the most prominent of all Israeli violations during the month was the raiding of 4 printing houses and a media outlet, including searching and seizing of equipment, which hinders them from resuming their work, makes it more difficult and costly.

On 11/16, at dawn, Israeli forces stormed the media department for the health development office in Ramallah, after bombing the front door and smashing most of the equipment and seizing several devices. On 11/07, forces also stormed the Taj printing house, in Al Fawar refugee camp, in addition to Asayel Yafa printing house in Qaqilia, and “A’lam Al-Ibdaa” printing house in Al Zawieh governorate, Salfit, that were stormed at dawn on 11/23. Several devices of the three printing houses were targeted, finally estimating to a loss of thousands of shekels.

Israeli forces also abducted several journalists, including Khaled Ma’ali, from Selfeit, and a cameraman at Ramsat, Nidal Asmar Al-Natsheh, from Hebron. Israeli authorities also renewed an administrative detention order on Omar Nazzal, member of the General Secretariat of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, for a period of a month.

It is remarkable that the occupation stipulated that journalist Khalid Ma’ali, who was arrested for eight days, over alleged incitement on Facebook, not to engage in any media activity for a month after he was released on bail.

Palestinian violations:

The total number of Palestinian violations recorded this month declined and was limited to four violations, two in the West Bank and two in the Gaza Strip, while 11 violations (seven in the West Bank and four in the Gaza Strip) were monitored during October of 2016 .

Palestinian violations recorded this month, in the West Bank and Gaza, consisted of 3 cases of prevention of coverage, including the cutting of a live broadcast in the field, one case of detention, and another of summoning and interrogation.

(Edited for the IMEMC by chris @

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