Israeli soldiers abducted, on Thursday at dawn, at least fifteen Palestinians, including former political prisoners, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported.

The PPS said the soldiers invaded and violently searched many homes, and interrogated dozens of Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards, before abducting fifteen.

In Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted six Palestinians, including former political prisoners.

They have been identified as Ahmad Dandees, Amjad Abu Naab, Majdi Abu Naab, Firas Husseini, , Mohammad Anwar Abu Naab, 16, and Rami Resheq.

In Nablus, in northern West Bank, the soldiers abducted five Palestinians, mainly former political prisoners, identified as Mo’tasem Rifa’ey, Karim al-Masri, Marwan Qar’awi, Mojahed Tabanja, and Mahdi Habroun.

In Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem in the West Bank, the soldiers abducted Mohammad Ma’rouf al-Atrash.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, the soldiers abducted Mo’men Amin Tamimi, Ibrahim Mohammad Zama’ra and his brother Odai Zama’ra.