Earlier Wednesday, the Israeli army abducted eighteen Palestinians, including siblings and teenage boys, after the soldiers invaded and ransacked dozens of homes in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including the occupied capital, Jerusalem.

In occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted a Palestinian athlete with the Taekwondo team, Anas Dajani, from his home in Salahuddin Street.

The soldiers also invaded Abu Dis town, southeast of the city, searched homes, and abducted Ahmad Khaled Rabea’, and his brother Tamer, in addition to Ahmad Yousef Bader, and Soheib Bader.

The soldiers also abducted Mustafa Abu Ghazala and Monir Al-Basity from their homes in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, Mo’taz Kayed Barakat from his home in Nabi Samuel village, northwest of Jerusalem, and Mohammad Jaber from the Ar-Ram town, northeast of the occupied city.

In the southern part of the occupied West Bank in Hebron, the army invaded and ransacked many homes in the city and nearby towns and abducted four Palestinians.

The soldiers searched several homes in Hebron city, interrogated a few Palestinians, and abducted Salah Rashid Abu Hadid before moving him to a nearby military base.

Several army jeeps invaded Bani Neim town, east of Hebron before the soldiers broke into and searched several homes and abducted three Palestinians, Mohammad Eid Barakat, 38, Jihad Ahmad D’eis, 28, and Saddam Hussein Manasra, 17.

Furthermore, the soldiers installed roadblocks on Hebron’s northern roads and the entrances of Sa’ir, Bani Neim, and Halhoul tows, stopped and searched dozens of Palestinian vehicles, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In Bethlehem, several army jeeps invaded the Deheishe refugee camp south of the city before the soldiers searched homes and abducted a teenage boy, Nader Tha’er Ibrahim Jawareesh, 16.

In Ramallah, in the central West Bank, the soldiers abducted Nadim Samer Mathloum, 19, from the al-Janiya village west of the city, and Islam Abu Hadiyya from the Al-Jalazonerefugee camp north of Ramallah, after stopping him in Um ash-Sharayet neighborhood in the near city of al-Biereh.

In Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank, many army vehicles invaded several neighborhoods in the city before the soldiers abducted Mahmoud Odah and Husam Al-Masri from their homes.

Media sources in Nablus said Palestinian resistance fighters fired live rounds at Israeli army vehicles invading the Al-Makhfiyya neighborhood.

It is worth mentioning that Nablus, and its surrounding villages and towns, remain under strict Israeli siege and constant invasions for the ninth consecutive day, in addition to the escalating attacks by the illegal colonizers against the Palestinians and their property in Huwwara and nearby towns.

Video By Quds News

The Quds News Network said the Israeli army also closed the Huwwara military roadblock south of Nablus and continued the closure of the Deir Sharaf roadblock with concrete blocks and sand hills.

Furthermore, illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers hurled stones at Palestinian cars driving near Burin village, south of Nablus.

Many roadblocks around Nablus, especially Sorra, Beit Furik, Al-Marba’a, and Al-Harma, east and northeast of the city, and Awarta, south of Nablus, are partially opened an issue that led to traffic jams extending hundreds of meters on each roadblock as the soldiers are searching dozens of cars and interrogating the Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In Qalqilia, in the northern West Bank, Palestinian protesters hurled stones and a Molotov cocktail at soldiers and an Israeli colony’s bus near Nabi Elias village, east of the city.

Also Wednesday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded several villages and towns and installed roadblocks, in addition to confiscating surveillance recordings and equipment, near Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.