The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers abducted, on Tuesday at dawn, eighteen Palestinians, including three children, and a young man with special needs, in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The PPS said the soldiers stormed and ransacked dozens of homes across the West Bank, and interrogated many Palestinians.

One of the abducted Palestinians, Mahdi Farouq Abu Haniyya, 36, is a Palestinian with special needs, from Azzoun town, near Qalqilia, in northern West Bank.

The soldiers also installed roadblocks, stopped and searched dozens of cars, interrogated passengers and drivers while inspecting their ID cards.

In addition, the army fired many live rounds, gas bombs, concussion grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets at Palestinians protesting the invasions in Beit Bajan village, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, Qotna village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem, and several areas in Tulkarem.

The soldiers also invaded and ransacked the family home of Elias Saleh Shahin, 22, as killed by Israeli soldiers, Monday, near an illegal colony, north of Salfit, in the occupied West Bank.

The PPS identified the abducted Palestinians as:

  1. Sanad Bahhour Abdo, Kufur Ni’ma – Ramallah.
  2. Morad Eshteyya, Kufur Ni’ma – Ramallah.
  3. Sanad Mo’in, Kufur Malek – Ramallah.
  4. Bassem Abu Radi, Biddu – Jerusalem.
  5. Ehab Issa al-‘Allami, 22, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
  6. Ahmad Mohammad al-‘Allami, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
  7. Mohammad No’man Shakarna, 15, Nahhalin – Bethlehem.
  8. Mousa Ahmad Najajra, 14, Nahhalin – Bethlehem.
  9. Ali Mousa Zawahra, 31, Doha – Bethlehem.
  10. Ameed Azmi Sarhan, 22, Tulkarem.
  11. Mohammad Rajeh Shbeita, 11, Azzoun – Qalqilia.
  12. Kathem Radwan, Azzoun – Qalqilia.
  13. Mo’tasem Mohammad Radwan, 33, Azzoun – Qalqilia.
  14. Sa’ed Mohammad Sweidan, 40, Azzoun – Qalqilia.
  15. Mahdi Farouq Abu Haniyya, 36, Azzoun Qalqilia.
  16. Ala’ Bassam Gharaba, Kafr Qalil – Qalqilia.
  17. Waqqass Bassam Gharaba, 14, Kafr Qalil – Qalqilia.
  18. Arkan Yousef Abu Safiyya, Kafr Thulth – Qalqilia.