Israeli soldiers abducted, earlier Sunday, ten Palestinians, including two children, from their homes in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including the occupied capital, Jerusalem.

In Bethlehem, south of occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers invaded Teqoua town, east of the city, and abducted Wael Mahmoud Abu Mfarreh, 42, after storming his home and ransacking it.

In Ramallah, in the central West Bank, the soldiers invaded Deir Jarir town, north of the city, searched homes, and abducted Mohammad Shadi Qanoa’, 18.

In Qalqilia, in northern West Bank, the soldiers abducted Ammar Dweikat, 34, after storming and ransacking his home in the city.

The soldiers also installed roadblocks on roads leading to Hizma town, northeast of occupied Jerusalem before stopping and searching dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In addition, the soldiers invaded several Palestinian homes in Silwan town, the Old City and Sur Baher, in Jerusalem, before storming and ransacking homes, and abducted seven Palestinians, including two children.