Israeli soldiers abducted, on Sunday at dawn, twelve Palestinians, including the wife of a political prisoner, from their homes in various parts of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society has reported.

The PPS said the soldiers abducted at least six Palestinians, mainly children, from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

It added that the soldiers also abducted three Palestinians, identified as Baha’ Osama Abu Alia, Amer Atef Abu Alia, and Enaya Ahmad Ata, 42, the wife of Saleh Ata, who is imprisoned by Israel, serving a 21-year term.

Also in Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Mo’taz Jaffal, from his home in Abu Dis town.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted Odai Atef Ta’amra, 24, and Mohannad Ateyya Ta’amra, 19, from the West Bank governorate of Bethlehem.