Israeli soldiers attacked, Friday, nonviolent protesters in Beit Dajan and Beita, east and south of the northern West Bank, wounding dozens of residents.

The protesters were marching on their lands, protesting the illegal takeover of their orchards and farmlands for the benefit of the illegal Israeli colonialist activities.

In Beit Dagan, the soldiers attacked the protesters with a barrage of gas bombs, concussion grenades, and rubber-coated steel bullets.

Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Emergency Department of the Palestinians Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Nablus, said dozens of residents suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation, and one was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet.

He added that the soldiers shot one Palestinian with a live round in the thigh, twelve with rubber-coated steel bullets, and 91 others suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation after the army attacked the protesters in Beita town.