On Monday dawn, a large Israeli military force, including many armored vehicles and at least one bulldozer, invaded Jenin city in the northern West Bank before the soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes and abducted five Palestinians, in addition to wounding four, including a child.

The soldiers invaded the center of Jenin, leading to protests and exchanges of fire with Palestinian resistance fighters.

After the soldiers invaded and searched homes, the protests extended to several neighborhoods in Jenin.

Medical sources said the soldiers shot a young man with live fire in the leg and caused at least three Palestinians, including a young woman, to suffer shrapnel wounds.

The soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes and abducted five Palestinians identified as Farid Mohammad Amara, former political prisoner Majd Zahi Sa’adi, and three siblings, Akram al-Kastooni, and his brothers Hani and Samer.

On Sunday night, the soldiers abducted Mohammad Mahmoud Abu Bakr and Mohammad Fuad Abu Bakr from Ya’bad town, west of Jenin, while crossing a sudden roadblock near Nablus in the northern West Bank.