Israeli soldier invaded, on Wednesday at dawn the Suwwana neighborhood, and the at-Tour town, in occupied East Jerusalem, stormed and ransacked dozens of homes and kidnapped 45 Palestinians, including several children, the Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic) said.
Lawyer Mohammad Mahmoud said the soldiers moved most of the kidnapped Palestinians to the Police station in Salaheddin Street, in Jerusalem.
Mahmoud added that the police decided to release most of the kidnapped after interrogation, while at least five of them will be sent to the District Court, for charges related to what the army called “throwing stones at army and police vehicles.”
The lawyer added that the police intends to transfer Mohammad Abu Ghannam, Abdullah Abu Ghannam, Kifah Abu al-Hawa, Amir Rabah al-Hadra and Daoud Mousa Abu al-Hawa, to the District Court in the few coming hours.
The kidnapped Palestinians have been identified as:

- Mohammad Ibrahim Abu Ghannam, 16.
- Abdullah Bassam Abu Ghannam, 16.
- Mohammad Bassam Sayyad, 33.
- Mohammad Omran Abu al-Hawa.
- Yousef Abu Jom’a, 16.
- Kifah Yasser Abu al-Hawa, 20.
- Rafat Amjad Abu Jom’a, 20.
- Amir Rabah al-Hadra, 20.
- Daoud Mousa Abu al-Hawa, 20.
- Ahmad Nabil Tamimi, 19.
- Mohammad Akram Abu al-Hawa.
- Ali Mustafa Abu al-Hawa.
- Mahdi Ahmad Sayyad.
- Mohammad Khader Abu al-Hawa.
- Ahmad Ehad Abu Esbeitan.
- Daoud Mohammad Abu Esbeitan.
- Amir Waleed al-Balbeesy, 17.
- Mohammad Riyad Abu Lafi.
- Mousa Jamil al-Qadamani.
- Naim al-Hadra.
- Sharif Abu al-Jom’a.
- Husam Bassam Sayyad.
- Mohammad Maher Sbeitani.
- Adnan Mohammad Abu al-Hawa, 14.
- Mohammad Ali Abu al-Hawa.
- Daoud Mahmoud Abu al-Hawa, 13.
- Khalil Abu al-Hawa.
- Hashem Abu al-Hawa.
- Yousef Abu Dalo.
- Mohammad al-Moghrabi.
- Marwan Abu al-Hawa.
- Majdi Sayyad.
- Shadi Khweiss.
- Mohammad Jayyousi.
- Ehab al-Hadra.
- Wisam Abu al-Hawa.
- Jawad Abu Sbeitan.
- Osama Abu Ghannam.
- Moath Sayyad.
- Monatser Abu al-Hawa.
- Omran Sayyad.
- Omar Abu al-Hawa.
- Majdi Abu Ghazala.
- Nidal as-Sa’u.
- Amir al-Qadamani.