Israeli troops reportedly abducted, on Thursday, several Palestinians from different West Bank areas, mainly in the Ya’bad town, southwest of Jenin city, northern West Bank.

Local Palestinian sources said that the abduction campaign has been concentrated in the Ya’bad town, where Israeli troops have been carrying out abductions among local residents.

Sources added that some of those who were abducted in Ya’bad, have been released after being subjected to interrogation by Israeli intelligence services.

The Ramallah-based Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS), said in a statement that the arrest campaigns by Israeli troops have continued over the past few days and that at least five Palestinian residents have reportedly been abducted in both the West Bank cities of Tulkarem and the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem.

The PPS confirmed that the majority of those abducted early on Thursday morning and late on Wednesday night, were from Ya’bad town.

Earlier this week, large forces of Israel troops invaded the Ya’bad town, near Jenin and embarked on door-to-door searches and inspections, during which Israeli soldiers reportedly vandalized homes and rounded up scores of local inhabitants.

The invasion of Ya’bad came after an Israel solider was killed, during an Israeli army attack on the town.

Israeli army abduction of Palestinian residents, across the West Bank, has gone unabated since Israel occupied the West Bank, back in June 1967.

Currently, Israel continues to hold around 5,000 Palestinian prisoners, in more than 20 detention centers and jails, across Israel and in the West Bank, itself.