Across the globe, so many Palestinians have turned to the universal language of art to document their struggles. They hold exhibitions and reach out to the public, answering questions and raising awareness.

Europe is home to 100,000 Palestinians, 20,000 of which live in London. Like the ongoing occupation annexation and bombardment of Gaza, the fact that Israel refuses the global Palestinian diaspora the right of return is a constant source of frustration and anguish.

In today’s world, Palestinian deaths often make headline news more than the lives they lead, but the occupied territories are home to so many living in virtual exile with no hope of returning. The people are yearning for home and desperate to tell their stories.


Israel continues to demolish Palestinian homes to build Israeli settlements. The illegal expansion regularly evicts families who have lived in their homes for decades. Many Palestinians inside the occupied territories, and those who have managed to leave, still entertain the hope of one day returning, and carry the key to their homes around their necks as a constant reminder.

~Press TV / Al Ray

(photo: Al Shabaka)

Archive IMEMC post 03/11/18 Banksy’s Walled Off Hotel Receives 50,000 Visitors on its First Anniversary