Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)

Summary of Israeli Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (04 – 10 June 2020)

Israeli occupation forces continued to commit crimes against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians. This week witnessed an escalation in IOF raids and arrests in comparison to past weeks, as well as settler attacks under the protection of IOF, seizing the global COVID-19 pandemic to pass their plans to confiscate Palestinian lands and annex them to Israel. Additionally, IOF continued home-demolitions in the West Bank, and distribution of demolition and cease-construction notices without regard to the state of emergency in the oPt and the preventive measures to combat the spread of coronavirus.

This week, PCHR documented 236 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by IOF and settlers in the oPt.

Shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity: IOF shot and wounded 4 Palestinians in excessive use of force against peaceful protest against the annexation plan and settlement activities: 1 in Jordan Valley; 1 in Nablus; and 2 in Kufur Qaddoum in Qalqilia.

In Gaza, 6 shootings against agricultural lands eastern Gaza Strip were reported; and twice against fishing boats sailing in northern Gaza sea.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians: IOF carried out 96 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 114 Palestinians were arrested, including 11 children and 5 women. IOF barred 24 Palestinians access to Al-Aqsa Mosque, for periods varying between 1 week to 6 months. In the Gaza Strip, IOF conducted 2 limited incursions into Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip.

Settlement expansion activities and settlers’ attacks: IOF continued its settlement expansion operations in the West Bank, PCHR documented 12 violations, including;

    Hebron: notices to demolish a residential tent and a tin-plated barracks, an agriculture room and 23 facilities and residences;
    Qalqilia: cease-construction notice to a house;
    Jordan Valley: Barracks removed, settlement road established; 6 demolition notice to park with children playground and its tool storage;
    agricultural road with its stone chains;
    Salfit: cease-construction notices to 2 houses and 2 barracks;
    East Jerusalem: 1 house demolished and 1 demolition notice.

PCHR also documented 7 settler attacks: raid into Joseph’s tomb; 36 olive trees cut; rioting and assault on houses; puncturing the tires of 11 cars; vandalization in Nablus; breaking a wall and properties in Hebron.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement: The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Furthermore, IOF uses Erez Crossing that is designated for movement of individuals as an ambush to arrest Palestinians who obtain permits to exit via Israel.

Meanwhile, IOF continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest.

1. Violation of the Right to Life and to Bodily Integrity/Shooting and other Violations

  • At approximately 10:50 on Thursday, 04 June 2020, Israeli gunboats stationed west of Rafah shore in central Gaza Strip, chased and opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area. Fishermen, as a result of that, were forced to sail back to the shore fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:20 on Friday, 05 June 2020, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 00:00 on the same Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians, organized a peaceful protest in Atouf Plain in northern valleys, north of the West Bank, organized a peaceful protest, to reject the annexation decision, which will be implemented in the valleys and settlements established on Palestinian lands. The participants performed Friday prayer in the above-mentioned plain while IOF deployed in the area. After that, the participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans condemning the annexation decision and the U.S president Donald Trump’s Middle East plan. Israeli soldiers immediately fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at the participants to suppress them. As a result, a 39-year-old civilian was shot with a rubber bullet in his head. He was taken to Tubas Turkish Hospital in Tubas for medical treatment. Many also suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • Following the Friday prayer, a peaceful protest took part from the center of Qusin village, west of Nablus, north of the West Bank, into lands that are threatened to be confiscated in al-Berkah area, west of the village. The participants raised Palestinian flags and olive trees to implant them and chanted slogans against the Israeli annexation decision, which will be implemented in the Palestinian valleys and settlements established on Palestinian lands, and against confiscation of lands and settlement expansion. When the participants arrived at the above-mentioned, IOF suppressed them by firing tear gas canisters at them. As a result, a 39-year-old civilian was shot with a tear gas canister in his chest. He was taken to Rafidiya Hospital for medical treatment. Many also suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At the same time, Palestinian national faction in Hebron organized a peaceful protest that took part from ‘Ein Sarah area in Hebron into Ben Rushd Square in the 53rd anniversary of al-Naksah (IOF occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967), in which hundreds of the city residents participated. The participants chanted national slogans condemning the Israeli settlement activities and the U.S president Donald Trump’s Middle East plan Trump’s Middle-East plan, in addition to the Israeli authorities’ decision to annex parts of the Wes Bank. The participants delivered a speech reminding the people of the incidents occurred in “Naksat June” and the Israeli new decisions to annex settlements. After that, dozens of outraged Palestinians headed to al-Zawiyah area in the center of the city, where IOF established a military checkpoint at Al-Shuhada street’s entrance, which was closed. The participants threw stones at Israeli soldiers deployed in the area while the latter fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters and chased the participants between shops. Many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
  • At approximately 13:00 on the same Friday, IOF stationed at the northern entrance established at lands of Kufur Qaddoum village, north of Qalqilia, suppressed a protest in which dozens of civilians participated against the Israeli annexation decision, known as: “Deal of the Century”. IOF chased the young men who gathered in the area. Clashes erupted in the area and IOF fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the young men. As a result, a 45-year-old civilian was shot with a rubber bullet in his head and a 40- year-old civilian was shot with a rubber bullet in his right hand.
  • At approximately 17:40, on the same Friday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Buraij in central Gaza Strip, opened fire and fire tear gas canister at agricultural lands, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:30 on Saturday, 06 June 2020, Israeli gunboats stationed northwest of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza Strip, chased an opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area (3 nautical miles). Fishermen, as a result of that, had to sail back to the shore fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
  • At the same time, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Maghazi in central Gaza Strip, opened fire and fired tear gas canisters at agricultural lands. The shooting continued sporadically for 60 minutes. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 11:40 on the same Saturday, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, opened fire in the vicinity of journalists: Hasan Esleeh, Mohammed al-Mashharawi, and Ashraf Abu Amrah. While they were photographing farmers’ harvest wheat and barley, east of Khuza’ah, east of Khan Younis. No casualties were reported. However, the shooting caused fear among farmers and fishermen who left the area.
  • At approximately 07:50 on Sunday, 07 June 2020, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Maghazi in central Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands, adjacent to the border fence. The shooting continued sporadically for 15 minutes. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:30 on the same Saturday, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
    At approximately 07:50 on Monday, 01 June 2020, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Maghazi in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands. The shooting recurred at the afternoon hours at shepherds. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 17:00 on Tuesday, 09 June 2020, IOF suppressed a protest titled: “Our Loyalty to Martyrs is the Unity of our Struggle”, organized by Tal’at Feminist Movement, condemning the killing of Iyad al-Halaq by IOF, and in solidarity with Palestinian detainees. The protest took part from Salah Eden Street in the center of occupied East Jerusalem. IOF surrounded that participants and pushed them until they reached Sheikh Jarah Street and attacked them by beating and pushing them. IOF also arrested 3 civilians namely: Zainah Majd Barbar (19), Hala Marshoud (29) and Wojdan al-Ghoul.
  • It should be noted that al-Halaq (32), who is disabled, was killed by IOF 10 days ago near Bab al-Asbat while he was heading to his special school in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.

2. Incursions and Arrests

Thursday, 04, June 2020:

  • At approximately 02:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. IOF stationed near UNRWA distribution center, raided and searched Abu Rayya’s house and arrested Ehab Ahmed Abu Rayya (25), and his brother Ahmed (23). It should be noted that they are both members of the Palestinian National Security Forces.
  • Around the same time, , IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved into Beit Kahel, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched 3 houses and arrested (3) civilians: Issam Hassan al-Zuhour (28), Mustafa Ahmed Asafra (30), and Mo’een Arafat al-‘Atawna (28).
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Wadi Abu Sa’di area in Beit Sahour. They raided and searched Abdul Rahman Shu’aibat’s (25) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved into Beit Ammer village, north of Hebron, and stationed in Irq al-Latoun and Thaghrat al-Shabak neighborhoods, northeast of the city. Israeli infantry unit deployed between the houses, causing fear among civilians. They raided and searched (3) houses and the yards of these houses using the police dogs, after detaining all the family in one room. Lately, IOF arrested (3) civilians and took them to the military vehicles’ station site. The arrestees are: Bilal Abdul Rahman Awad (19), Kifah Ahmed Abu Ayyash (37), and Mohammed Sami Abu Ayyash (25).
  • As the military vehicles withdrew towards Bypass rpad (60), dozens of young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles them, Israeli soldiers responded with teargas canisters and sound bombs. As a result, a number of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The raid continued until 07:00.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into ‘Aaroura village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Ayman Mahmoud al-Atshan (21) and Aysar Na’eem al-‘Arouri (21) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 04:20, IOF moved into Qibya village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Kamal Jameel Nassar’s house and arrested his two sons: Ahmed (16) and Jameel (15).
  • At approximately 10:20, IOF arrested Eyad Saleh Nofal (17), from Qalqilia, as he was fulfilling a prior summon to the Israeli Intelligence Services in the Israeli military liaison office.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF moved into al-Sawana neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched ‘Akrama Sa’eed Abdullah Sabri’s (81) house, the Head of the High Islamic Supreme Council, and handed him a decision of banning him entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for 4 months, signed by the Israeli police chief in Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 17:00, IOF arrested Mohannad Fawzi al-Zeir (23), from Salfit, while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services in the Israeli military liaison office after several hours of summoning him.
  • On the same day, IOF summoned (7) civilians to al-Qashla police station in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City and handed them summonses of banning their entry to al-Aqsa Mosque between 7 days and 5 months signed by the Israeli police chief. IOF banned the entry of Sheikh Abdullah ‘Alqam, Secretary General of tribes of Jerusalem and Palestine; Jehad Abu Znaid (53), a member of the dissolved Legislative Council; Hamdi Diab, leader in Fatah Movement, for two weeks; Ashraf Mohammed al-Sharbati (44) for a week; Nitham Abu Romouz (40), and Khitab Ashraf al-Sharbati (17) for two weeks to Jerusalem’s Old City; Mohammed Yehya al-Daqqaq (17), barred from entering al-Aqsa Mosque for 5 months.
  • IOF carried out an incursion in ‘Azoun, east of Qalqilia. No arrested were reported.

Friday, 05 June 2020:

  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Ya’bad village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mahmoud Ahed Fayyad Abu Baker (18), a High School student, and Ameer Kamel Mahmoud Atatera (19), and arrested them.
  • At approximately 04:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Abu Shukhaidm village, north of Ramallah. When IOF raided and searched several houses, dozens of young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli Military vehicles who responded with firing teargas canisters and sound bombs, and arrested Salem Sa’eed Abu Salem (24). No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF severely beat and arrested (4) civilians while present in Bab al-‘Amoud (Damascus Gate) in the central East Jerusalem. IOF took Adham Anwar al-Za’tari (18), Khaled Sakhn (20), Mohammed ‘Atiq (22), and Hassan ‘Atiq (20) to “al-Bareed” police station in Salah al-Dein Street. On 07 June 2020. IOF released them on condition of banning their entry to Jerusalem’s Old City for 10 days.
  • At approximately 22:00, IOF stationed at Beit Eksa military checkpoint, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem, severely beaten and arrested Ahmed Kamal Hababa (29), a journalist in Palestine TV. IOF to Hababa to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (5) incursions in Tamoun, southeast of Tubas, Kafr Tholth, East of Qalqilia, al-Mazra’a al-Gharbeya and Birzeit in Ramallah, and Fasayel village in Jericho. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 06 June 2020:

  • At approximately 12:30, IOF stationed at Jaba’ military checkpoint, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem, arrested Mohammed Jehad Tamleya (26), from al-Am’ari refugee camp, south of al-Beira. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF stationed at al-Container checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem, arrested Mo’taz Jamal al-Samhan (21), from Nablus. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 18:15, IOF stationed at Eyal military checkpoint, north of Qalqilia, arrested Abdullah Khaled Zarifi (17), from Qalqilia
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF arrested Mahmoud Sa’di al-Rajabi (25), while present near the western entrance of al-‘Isawiya village. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 21:30, IOF stationed at al-Container military checkpoint, east of Bethlehem, arrested Mo’taz Jamal Samhan (2!), from Nablus, while passing through the checkpoint. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF handed the journalist Sundos Abdul Rahman Owais (24) a summons banning her entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for 3 months. Furthermore, IOF handed the activist Ra’eda Sa’eed al-Khalili (44) a decision of banning her entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for 5 months.

Sunday, 07 June 2020:

  • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Beit Fujjar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Hisham Maher Taqatiqa (15) and Yazan Mohammed Taqatiqa (15) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into al-Thawri neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Yaser Hani Ghaith (23) and Mo’taz Abed Shwaiki (19) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 12:30, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Anwar Sami Obaid (23) and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services.
  • At approximately 13:00, IOF moved into al-Maqdisi street in Wadi al-Joz neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched ‘Areen Haitham Za’aneen’s (25) house and arrested him. It should be noted that Za’aneen was home isolated because he might be infected with the coronavirus.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF moved into al-Sa’deya neighborhood, one of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City’s neighborhoods. They raided and searched Mohammed Naser al-Haddad’s (13) house and took him to “al-Bareed” police station in Salah al-Dein street.
  • At approximately 17:30, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, arrested the police officer, Yaser Ammar ‘Amer (35), from Kafr Qalil, southwest of Nablus. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 18:30, IOF arrested Mahmoud Belal Saleh Swaidan (24), from ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqilia, while entering Salem Military Court in Jenin to attend the trial of his brother.
  • At approximately 23:30, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint under the bridge of al-‘Atatra village, north of Ramallah, and arrested Firas Hatem Qadadha, from the village. IOF arrested him inside a military vehicle and released him after 3 hours.
  • On this day, IOF summonsed (7) civilians to al-Qashla police station in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City and handed them access barring decisions to al-Aqsa Mosque between 5-6 months signed by the Israeli police chief. Namely, Hanadi Mohammed al-Halawani (41), Khadija Mohammed Khuais (42), Obada Samir Najeeb (22), Naser Qaws (49), Mahmoud Samir al-Jundi (27), Ahmed Abdullah Abu Ghazala (51), and Emad Hitham Za’aneen (27).
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Deir Ballot and al-Zaweya villages, west of Salfit. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 08 June 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF and Israeli Intelligence Services units moved into several neighborhoods in the occupied East Jerusalem, they raided and searched dozens of houses and arrested (23) civilians from Fatah Movement and took him to al-Maskoubeya investigation center in West Jerusalem. Lawyer Mohammed Mahmoud said that most of the arrestees are from al-Tawr village, al-Sawana, Wadi al-Joz, Silwan, al-‘Isawiya, Sur Baher, Jerusalem’s Old City, and Beit Hanina. He added that they were arrested on charge of violating the law of the application, which criminalizes any work of the Palestinian Authority in the occupied Jerusalem. Names of arrestees available at PCHR.
    The head of the family committee of Jerusalem prisoners, Amjad Abu Asab, after releasing him in evening hours that IOF carried out a planned and systematic incursions campaign. He added that IOF severely beaten and put all the arrestees in a tiny cell despite most of the arrestees’ ages were between (50-60), and they severely assaulted Talal al-Sayad causing him bruises all over his body.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Beit Fujjar, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Mohammed Hasan Deireya’s (16) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Shoyoukh village, east of Hebron. They raided and searched Wisam Zakareya Owaidat’s (22) and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mahmoud Ahmed Salah (16) and Nasrallah Ibrahim Sbaih (16) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Qabatya, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mahmoud Yaser Khuzaima (20) and Mahdi Mohammed Zakarnah (19) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 07:00, IOF stationed at military checkpoint near Ma’ale Adumim settlement, east of the occupied East Jerusalem, arrested Wissam Zakarey Owaidat (22), from Hebron. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 09:30, IOF moved into Khirbat al-Hadidiya, in the northern valleys, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Lotfi Mohammed Bani Owda’s (29) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 11:30, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, arrested Layan Nizar Kayed (22), from Sebastya, northwest of Nablus. IOF took her to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF reinforced with 4 military vehicles, moved 100-meters from Abu Safeya Gate, north of the Gaza Strip, to the west of the border fence. They levelled and combed lands that were previously levelled amidst Israeli sporadic shooting. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 18:30, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, arrested Mohammed Reyad al-Saheli (27), from Balata refugee camp, east of the city. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 19:30, IOF arrested Hanadi Mohammed al-Halawani (41), while present in al-Mujahedin street near Bab al-Asbat “Lions’ Gate”, which is one of al-Aqsa Mosque gates in Jerusalem, and took her to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF arrested Ahmed Abdullah Rokn (23) and Omar Fawzi Muhaisn (36), while leaving al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. IOF took them to unknown destinations.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF stationed at al-Container military checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem, arrested Monther Waleed Abu Jilda (26), from Qalandia refugee camp, north of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • On this day, IOF handed (5) civilians decisions signed by the Israeli police chief, banning their entry to al-Aqsa Mosque: Tareq Bassam Abu Sbaih (39), al-Aqsa Mosque’s guard, for 4 months; Bahjat Ali al-Razim (27), for 3 months; Abdullah Murad Najeeb (18), for 5 months; Madline Mohammed Issa (28), for 6 months; and Lo’ay Jaber, for 4 months.
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Fasayel and al-Jiftlik, in Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 09 June 2020:

  • At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Nahaleen village, west of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and handed Khaled Fadel Najajera a summons for his son Ali (19) to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services. IOF also arrested (4) civilians including a child: Khalaf Osama Shakarna (18), Saif Ahmed Najajera (18), Mohammed Ahmed Najajera (19), and Mohammed No’man Ghayatha (17).
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF infantry unit moved into Beit ‘Awa, southwest of Hebron, and deployed between civilians’ houses. They raided and searched Kareem Mohammed Salama Masalma’s (19) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF infantry unit moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, and stationed near the distribution center of the UNRWA, they raided and searched Majed Tayseer al-Titi (20) and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF move into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians; Mohammed Mobtasem Obaid (19), Mohammed Esmai Obaid (19), and Yazan Bassam Obaid (21).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Bardala village, west of Jericho, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Ahmed Tahseen Sawafta’s (36) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with 3 military vehicles moved into al-Samoua’ village, south of Hebron. They raided and searched two homes belonging to Ahmed Mansour Khalaila (40) and Mohammed Sa’eed Barqan (54). No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Isma’el Amjad al-Takrouri’s (23) house and arrested him.
    Around the same time, IOF moved into Balata al-Balad village, east of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mohammed Sami Dwaikat (18) and his cousin Nour al-Dein Mohammed Dwaikat (19) and arrested them.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians; Ahmed Ali al-Shafe’I (21), Amjad Maher Saleh (21), and Ameer Ra’fat Abu Riyala (29).
  • At approximately 14:00, IOF moved into al- Tour neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mohannad Khattab Abu Sbaitan (27), and Mohammed Arafat Abu Sbaitan (23), and arrested them.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested Younis Hashem al-Izza (16), from Tal al-Rumeida, in Hebron, and arrested him inside a military watchtower in al-Shuhada’ street and released after 30 minutes. He was arrested after trying to defend his sibling Aysha Hiisham al-Izza.
  • At approximately 16:30, IOF stationed near Itmar settlement, northeast of Beit Fourik, northeast of Nablus, arrested Mahfouz Ghassan Nasasera (32), from the city. It should be noted that Mahfouz is a person with disability, and IOF claimed that he was found in possession of a knife, so they took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 21:30, IOF moved into Bab Hatta neighborhood, one of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City’s neighborhoods. They raided and searched Mustafa Eyad Ghazala’s (17) house and arrested him.
  • On this day, IOF released Omar Fawzi Muhaisn (36) and Hanadi Mohammed al-Halawani (41), from al-Ramla detention center on bail and banning their entry to the Aqsa Mosque for 6 months. Furthermore, IOF handed the journalist Anan Najeeb a decision to ban his entry to the Aqsa Mosque for 6 months.
  • IOF carried out (4) incursions in Beit Ur al-Tahta, Qaraqat Ben Zeid, al-Jalazonerefugee camp, in Ramallah, Marj ne’ma village in Jericho. No arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Deir Abu Da’if village, northeast of Jenin, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Wisam Mahmoud Mahameed (27) and Baker Mohamed ‘Alliat (25) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Qabatya, southeast of Jenin, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Laith Suliman Abu al-Rab’s (23) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Beit Anan, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mahmoud Baker Rabea’ (23) and Oday Abdullah Jomhour (29) and arrested them.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles accompanied with a mounted-crane truck, moved into Yatta, south of Hebron and stationed in Roq’a area. They raided and searched an iron lathe belonging to Ershaied and confiscated its contents. Meanwhile, IOF moved into Mahmoud Ershaied’s house, they raided and searched the house and arrested (3) brothers; Eyad (27), Rasheed (30), and Omar (39).
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Tubas, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Osaid Mahmoud Faqha’s house and arrested his elder father, Mahmoud Faqha (60), to put pressure on Osaid to surrender himself.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Shoyoukh village, east of Hebron. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Mohannad Mousa Na’eem al-Halaiqa (23), and ‘Amer Mohammed Owaidat (24).
    Around the same time, , IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Doura, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in Karisa neighborhood. They raided and searched Ameen Mohammed al-Wahwah’s (67) house and no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians: ‘Alaa Ismat Obaid (33), Mo’ath Nahed Obaid (22), and Ameen Omar Hamed (26).
  • At approximately 07:45, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved 100-meters from Zikim military base, northwest of Bit Lahiya, north of the Gaza Strip, to the west of the border fence. They levelled and combed lands that were previously levelled amidst Israeli sporadic shooting. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 11:45, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank, arrested Monjed Ragheb Salah (30), from Barqa village, northwest of the city. IOF took him to an unknown destination.

3. Settlement Expansion and Settler Violence in the West Bank
a. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities

  • At approximately 10:00 on Thursday, 04 June 2020, Israeli border guard officers backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Wad al-Shaiekh area in Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers dismantled ‘Ali Mohamed ‘Ali al-‘Alami’s 30-square-meter shed built on his plot of land after his house was destroyed by IOF last year, under the pretext of non-licensing. It should be noted that Israeli authorities demolished al-‘Alami’s house upon Article 4, of Military order No. (1797), issued in 2018, on the “removal” of a new structure. This order includes both uncompleted structures and structures completed within the last six months. This military order is one of the most dangerous orders issued by the Israeli authorities, targeting thousands of houses and facilities in Area C, under the pretext of non-licensing.
  • At approximately 11:30 on Thursday, 04 June 2020, IOF moved into al-Fondouq village in eastern Qalqilia, where they handed Omar Nour al-Deen Masalah a notice to stop construction works in his house, under the pretext of non-licensing.
  • At approximately 11:55 on Friday, 05 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Kherbet Yarzah in northern Jordan Valley. The Israeli Civil Administration officers handed Salem ‘Abed al-Rahman Abu al-Tayib a notice to remove barracks, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.
  • At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 07 June 2020, Israeli border guard officers backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Ma’een area, southeast of Yatta in southern Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers handed Ahmed Mahmoud Hamamda (44) a notice to demolish a 30-square-meter residential tent and a 40-square-meter barrack built of tin plates, under the pretext of non-licensing in Area C.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Sunday, 07 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Kherbet Breen, southwest of Bani Na’iem village in eastern Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers hanged a notice to stop working in Ya’qoub Ishaq Y’aqub Burqan and As’ad Yousef Burqan’s 120-square-meter agricultural room built of bricks 3 years ago. This notice (No. 00579) issued by the “Civil Administration – Supreme Organizing Council – Inspection Subcommittee” stated that these facilities were “constructed without a license”, called on their owners to “immediately stop construction work” and set (17/06/2020) as the date to hold the Inspection Subcommittee session in the settlement “Beit Eill” to decide either demolish the building or return it to its previous status.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 08 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Kherbet Bereen, southwest of Bani Na’iem village in eastern Hebron. IOF were deployed in the area and prevented Palestinians from moving. The Israeli Civil Administration officers confiscated 5 tents used for covering the livestock barns. Since the beginning of June, the Israeli Civil Administration officers notified more than 15 facilities in the area. It should be noted that during the confiscation, IOF attacked and attempted to arrest Sabiyia Suliman al-‘Azazma (75), causing bruises throughout her body.

The confiscated structures were as follows:

Owner / Year built / Building material / Area / Cost (NIS) / # Livestock
1. Sabiyia Suliman al-‘Azazma / 1948 / Tent built of iron angles / 30om2 /6,000 / 40
2. Sameer Mousa Suliman al-‘Azazma / 1974 / Tent built of iron angles / 90m2 / 7,000 / 100
3. Mousa Suliman ‘Issa ‘Azazma / 1944 / Tent built of iron angles / 55m2 / 6,000 / 37
4. Sa’oud Rezeq Salman al-Faqeer / 1957 / Tent built of iron angles / 90m2 / 7,000 / 45
5. Sa’ieed Rezeq Salman Faqeer / 1966 / Tent built of iron angles / 90m2 / 6,000 / 70

  • At approximately 09:30, IOF moved into Hares village in northern Salfit. They handed Mo’min Mohamed Dawoud 6 notices to demolish a park, a storage, an agricultural road, and stone chains.
  • At approximately 10:00, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Ghaziwa and al-Khalidiyia areas in Yatta, south of Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers distributed demolition notices and other notices to stop working in houses and facilities in the area, under the pretext of non-licensing.

The distributed notices were as follows:

Owner / Building / Progress / Construction materials / Area / Notice type / Place

1. Na’iem ‘Odah Shehada Shatat / Residence / Constructed / Bricks, concrete/ 80m2/ Stop work/ Khalidiyia
2. Mahmoud Yousef Shatat/ Residence/ Under-construction/ Bricks and concrete/ 70m2/ Stop work/ Khalidiyia
3. Mohamed Mousa Maghamrah/ Agriculture/ Under-construction/ Bricks, tin plates/ 20m2/ Stop work/ Khalidiyia
4. Hasan Ahmed Shatat / Water well / Constructed / — / 80m2 / Demolition/ Khalidiyia
5. Qasem Hamad Abu Tohfa/ Agriculture / Constructed/ Bricks, tin plates / 20m2/ Demolition/ Ghaziwa
6. Ahmed ‘Isma’il Dababsah/ Agriculture / Constructed / Tin plates, iron angles / 1000m2/ Demolition / Ghaziwa
7. Khalil ‘Issa Rabi’y/ Residence / Constructed / Bricks, concrete / 80m2 / Demolition/ Ghaziwa
8. Khalil ‘Issa Rabi’y/ Barrack / Constructed / Bricks, tin plates / 200m2 / Demolition/ Ghaziwa

  • At approximately 09:00 on Tuesday, Israeli municipality bulldozers demolished ‘Aisha Hijazi’s house in Sowieh area in Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. ‘Aydah Hijazi, ‘Aisha’s daughter, said that the Israeli municipality bulldozer demolished the house over its contents without a prior warning. She clarified that her mother ‘Aisha was handed a demolition notice 6 months ago, but she could not hire a lawyer due to the difficult financial situation. ‘Aydah pointed out that the 80-square-meter house sheltering 10 persons was built 6 years ago and over these years the family did not receive any demolition orders. She added: ” IOF deprives us of our basic rights to live safety in our house, pointing out that her mother her sister along with her children are living now in her brother’s house in Silwan village after their house was demolished.”
  • On Tuesday, Israeli authorities notified to demolish inhabited houses, residential rooms and retaining walls in al-Walajah village, northwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Head of al-Walajah Village Council, Khader al-‘Araj, said that Israeli authorities issued demolition notices against inhabited houses; some of them belong to Hasan Shehada Khalifa and Khaled Mahmoud Abu Khiarah. It should be noted that Abu Khiarah paid a fine of NIS 100,000 to the municipality months ago and this was the 2nd time that Abu Khiarah was received a demolition order, as his house was previously demolished. Furthermore, Mohamed Naser Abu al-Teen and Khaled Mohamed Jabreen were received notices to demolish a stair, a room and retaining walls. Al-‘Araj pointed out that Israeli authorities handed Ahmed Ibrahim al-Qentar, Raied Naser Abu al-Teen, Ahmed Jawabrah, Khaled Jebreel, and Mohamed ‘Abdullah Rabbah summonses for investigations about their houses and their facilities. The Israeli authorities also handed Mohamed Ibrahim al-Atrash and Raja’iy Mohamed al-A’raj cease-construction notices for retaining walls and the grounds surrounding civilians’ houses, as well as Mohamed Hatem al-Atrash’s water well. It should be noted that ‘Ain al-Jowizah area in al-Walajah village is exposed to a settlement attack, as many houses and retaining walls were demolished and many civilians were received cease-construction notices.
  • On Tuesday, IOF built a new road in Furush Beit Dajan village, west of ” al-Hamra” settlement, north of the West Bank, for settlement expansion and provide services for settlements located in the area.
  • At approximately 13:00 on Wednesday, 10 May 2020, IOF moved into Wad Khalil area in Qarawet Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit, where they handed 5 cease-construction notices against Mahmoud ‘Arabi Meri’s residential house, Ibrahim ‘Arabi Meri’s agricultural room and Mohamed ‘Arabi Meri’s and Mohamed ‘Aziz ‘Asi’s barracks, under the pretext of non-licensing in Area C.

b. Israeli Settler Violence

  • At approximately 02:00 on Thursday, 04 June 2020, dozens of Israeli settlers backed by IOF moved into the eastern area of Nablus. The settlers entered Joseph’s Tomb, performed prayers and withdrew later.
  • At approximately 16:15, Israeli settlers, from “Yitzhar” settlement established southern Burin village, southeast of Nablus, cut 36 olive trees belonging to Naser Isam’il Ibrahim Qadous.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Friday, 05 June 2020, an Israeli settler, from “Jaf’at Kharsina” settlement, which is established on Palestinian confiscated lands in eastern Hebron, bulldozed a 70-meter-high stone walls established on Fadel Ibrahim ‘Abed al-‘Aziz ‘Edah (44)’s plot of land. It should be noted that in May 2020, Israeli settlers raided ‘Edah’s land and uprooted 130 130 olive and grape seedlings planted less than 2 months.
  • At approximately 12:00 on Friday, 05 June 2020, Israeli settlers moved into al-Sheikh Kamal area in eastern Beit Dajan village, northeast of Nablus. The settlers raised Israeli flags to express that the area had been annexed to them.
  • At approximately 18:30, Israeli settlers, from “Yitzhar” settlement, which is established on ‘Asirah al-Qabaliyia village lands, southeast of Nablus, attacked the village outskirts from the eastern side. It should be noted that IOF and the settlement guard help the settlers, as the guard opened fire at Palestinian civilians. The settlers also threw stones at Palestinians’ houses, meanwhile, Palestinian young men gathered and responded with throwing stones. IOF immediately fired toxic tear gas canisters at them to dispraise them and secure the settlers’ withdrawal. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
  • On Sunday dawn, 07 June 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Ya’qoub Dalia” settlement outpost, which is established on Palestinian confiscated lands in southern Hebron, moved into ancient caves used as animal feed stores. These stores belong to Barakat Mor family in Tawameen area in eastern Yatta. The settlers damaged the caves gates and entered them. They got the animal feeds out of the caves and threw them in nearby plot of land. It should be noted that Israeli authorities displaced the residents of Tawameen area in 2001 after the killing of an Israeli settler living in the “Susiya” settlement and forced them to move to Manizel village. The settlers attacked the caves inhabited by the Palestinians, bulldozed some of them caves and their residents from coming back. In 2004, the residents were allowed to return the area to graze livestock and cultivate land.
  • At approximately 13:42 on Monday, 08 June 2020, Israeli settlers, from “Price Tag Groups”, attacked the northern neighborhood in al-Sawiyia village, southeast of Nablus. The settlers attacked Palestinians’ vehicles parked in front of their houses and on the village’s streets. The settlers also vandalized Hamdi Shaheen’s house walls with racist slurs, punctured the tires of 11 vehicles and withdrew later.

See the full report here.