The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR): Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

    Summary for December 2 – 15, 2021

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued to commit crimes and multi-layered violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse, and arrests against civilians. The past two weeks witnessed intense arrest campaign across the West Bank, a raid into Birzeit University campus, and an upscale in home demolitions in occupied east Jerusalem and the entire West Bank. Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip is in its 15th year under closure, as Israel exercise the worst known collective punishment in human history, exacerbating the humanitarian hardships across the territory.

IOF shooting and violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

During the reporting period, IOF killed 3 Palestinians, including a child; and wounded 15 others, including 6 children and a journalist, in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

On 4 December 2021, in a crime amounting to extrajudicial execution, IOF shot and killed Mohammed Showkat Mohammed Salima (25) from Salfit, even though IOF had shot and wounded him, neutralizing any threats he proposed. The victim had stabbed an Israeli settler in occupied East Jerusalem. Data collected by PCHR and footage that documented the incident showed that two Israeli soldiers opened fired continuously at a Palestinian male, despite that he was wounded and had fallen to the ground; the soldiers left him to bleed out.

On 6 December 2021, IOF killed Mohammed Nedal Younis (16), from Nablus, claiming he ran over an Israeli security officer at Jubara checkpoint in southern Tulkarm.

On 10 December 2021, IOF killed Jamil Jamal Ahmed Abu-Ayesh (32) from Beita, as IOF assaulted a peaceful protest Beita village, southeast of Nablus.

Additionally, IOF shot and wounded 3 Palestinian civilians, including a journalist and a child, during the attack on Beita protest in Nablus; 12, including 5 children, in IOF attack on Kafr Qaddum weekly protest in Qalqilya.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF intensified shootings on agricultural lands and fishing boats; PCHR documented 12 IOF shootings at agricultural lands and bird hunters in the Gaza Strip’s eastern border areas; and 7 shootings on fishing boats in the Gaza Sea.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 224 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 201 Palestinians were arrested, including 8 children and 4 women.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF arrested 2 fishermen and confiscated their fishing boat in the Gaza Sea; 2 other civilians were arrested while attempting to cross the border area in eastern Rafah.


PCHR documented 16 incidents::

    Occupied East Jerusalem: Palestinians forced to self-demolish 8 houses in Beit Hanina and Silwan; a Palestinian woman served an eviction notice for her house in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood; land razed and wall demolished in Jabel al-Mukaber; a 4700 sqm land confiscated in Sheikh Jarrah; 2 houses demolished in Silwan and Jabel al-Mukaber; house foundations demolished in Ras al-Amoud neighborhood.

    Hebron: two sheep barns demolished, 4 residential rooms, and a dwelling in eastern Yatta; printer confiscated in Hebron; 4 cease-construction notices served against facilities in Susya; Palestinians banned from plowing their land and a tractor was confiscated in eastern Yatta.

    Bethlehem: 3 greenhouses demolished; demolition notices served against a barn, dozens of occupied and vacant houses in Nahalin.


PCHR documented 8 settler-attacks:

    Nablus: civilian houses assaulted and car tires punctured in Jalud; 600 olive trees uprooted in Dayr Sharaf.

    Hebron: shepherds assaulted in eastern Yatta; arbitrary shooting in front al-Aroub refugee camp; settlers raid Samoua.

    Occupied East Jerusalem: local Sheik Jarrah residents’ vehicles assaulted; Palestinians’ properties in Nablus Street assaulted; a house assaulted and surrounded with barbed wires and cameras.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

The Israeli occupation authorities continued its collective punishment measures against the Gaza Strip as the 15-year Israeli closure imposed on the territory deepened the population’s humanitarian and living crises, as unemployment has skyrocketed at 45%, i.e. 217,000 able workers are unemployed, 63% of whom are youth.

More than half of the Gaza Strip population suffer in poverty, as the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics data shows that 53% of the Gaza Strip population is poor; meanwhile, more than 62.2% is classified as food insecure, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Additionally, IOF continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the 2000 Second Intifada -still closed to this date- and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest, especially at al-Karama border crossing, alongside the Palestinian-Jordanian border.

I. Shooting and other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity

  • At approximately 07:00 on Friday, 03 December 2021, IOF stationed along the border fence fired bullets and teargas canisters at the agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah, east of Khan Younis near a group of farmers and bird hunters, forcing them to return. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 12:15 on Friday, 03 December 2021, a peaceful protest took off in the Beita Park, southeast of Nablus, towards al-Hotah area, east of Mount Sabih, east of the village, where IOF established “Avatar” settlement outpost 8 months ago. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation and settlers. When they arrived, they were surprised with IOF taking their positions near the Mount. IOF immediately fired teargas canisters at the protesters, and intensive clashes broke out. The protesters threw stones at IOF, who continued to fire live and rubber-coated bullets as well as teargas canisters at the protesters, and the clashes expanded to reach the area surrounding the Mount.
    • During the clashes, which continued until around 15:00, 3 civilians, including a journalist and a child who was shot with a rubber bullet in the eye, were wounded while others suffocated due to teargas inhalation. As a result, the wounded were taken to Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus. The wounded journalist was identified as Shadi Yaser Ahmed Jarar’ah (31), Palestine TV Photojournalist, and was wounded with a rubber bullet in the left foot.

  • At approximately 12:30, IOF stationed at the northern entrance to Kafr Qaddum village, north of Qalqilya, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of Palestinian young men. IOF chased the protestors, who gathered in the area, clashed with them, and fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. As a result, 4 protestors, including 2 children, were shot with rubber bullets in their limbs, chest and back.
  • At approximately 06:30 on Saturday, 04 December 2021, Israeli gunboats stationed off western Rafah shore in the southern Gaza Strip opened fire at the Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 6 nautical miles, enticing fear among them. The fishermen were forced to sail back, but neither casualties nor damage was reported.
  • At approximately 06:40, IOF stationed along the border fence fired bullets and teargas canisters at the agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah, east of Khan Younis near a group of fisherman and bird hunters, forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • On the same afternoon, in a crime amounting to extrajudicial execution, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) shot and killed a Palestinian male, who stabbed an Israeli settler in occupied East Jerusalem; even though IOF had shot and wounded him, neutralizing any threats he proposed. Data collected by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) and footage that documented the incident showed that two Israeli soldiers opened fired continuously at a Palestinian male, despite that he was wounded and had fallen to the ground; the soldiers left him to bleed out. The crime was supported by the Israeli government, which confirms that Israel provides impunity for murder crimes against Palestinians.
    • According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 16:30 on Saturday, 04 December 2021, a Palestinian civilian coming from al-Mosrarah intersection area arrived at a street adjacent to Bab al-‘Amoud area in central occupied East Jerusalem. When he approached an Israeli settler, he took a knife out and stabbed the settler several times, seriously wounding him. At that time, two Israeli border guard officers saw the incident; they rushed to the scene and opened fire at the Palestinian who was only 2 meters away from them. The wounded attempted to assault the soldiers, but he sustained several live bullets wounds and fell to the ground while bleeding. As he fell to the ground wounded, and ceased to be a threat to anyone, the two border guard officers continued to fire several bullets at him from zero distance, leaving him bleeding on the ground for 40 minutes. Afterwards, backup forces arrived at the scene and did not provide first aid to the wounded. Also, they prevented the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) crews from reaching him to provide any help.

      Following the incident, IOF completely closed Bab al-‘Amoud and al-Mosrarah areas and closed all al-Aqsa Mosque’s gates as well as the gates of occupied East Jerusalem’s wall. Also, they detained dozens of Palestinians who were in Bab al-‘Amoud and in Bab al-Sahera areas, in the center of occupied East Jerusalem, prevented them from entering or exiting the city for half an hour, physically assaulted some of them, and fired teargas canisters and sound bombs at them. Moreover, IOF arrested a woman, whose identity remains unknown, from the scene and took her to Moscovia Detention Centre for interrogation.

      Later on, IOF took the dead corpse to an unknown destination, and the victim’s identity was confirmed as Mohammed Showkat Mohammed Salima (25), from Salfit in northern West Bank.

      The murder of Salima was supported by the Israeli government, as the Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett, tweeted: “The soldiers acted as quickly and firmly as expected … I ask to give them full backing.”

      As for the Israeli Foreign Minister, Yair Lapid, he also tweeted: “I completely back our security officers and border guard officers who responded quickly and firmly this evening.”

  • At approximately 06:30 on Sunday, 05 December 2021, IOF stationed along the border fence fired bullets and teargas canisters at the agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah, east of Khan Younis, near a group of farmers and bird hunters, forcing them to go back. No casualties were reported.
  • On Monday 06 December 2021, IOF killed a child, claiming he ran over an Israeli security officer at Jubara checkpoint in southern Tulkarm.
    • According to PCHR’s fieldworker, at approximately 01:00, a grey Kia car driven by Mohammed Nidal Younis (16) from Nablus arrived at Jubara military checkpoint and then veered off the course to run over an Israeli security guard at the checkpoint and wound him. IOF fired several bullets at the car and wounded the child. IOF then took him to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where he was pronounced dead, and his body was kept in custody. IOF closed the checkpoint in both directions. The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation stated that a Palestinian drove his car fast towards an Israeli security guard at Jubara Checkpoint and seriously wounded him in the dawn.

    The Corporation added,

    “another guard opened fire at the attacker, who is a 16-year-old Palestinian, causing him critically serious wounds. He was taken to the hospital and later pronounced dead.”

      No eyewitnesses were in the area at the time of the incident.
  • At approximately 20:00 on Wednesday, 08 December 2021, IOF removed a sit-in tent established by activists and persons in solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah residents in front of al-Kurd family house in Karam al-Ja’ouni area in the neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and forcibly expelled the activists. Meanwhile, tens of Israeli settlers were organizing a protest in front of al-Ghawi confiscated family house in the area, chanting “Death to Arabs” and calling for revenge and expelling them from their houses.
    • The Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood committee reported that IOF stationed at the entrances to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood since the early morning hours and set up iron barriers. At 20:00, IOF rasded the sit-in and searched IDs of persons present inside, forced those who do not live in the neighborhood to leave. The Committee added that the Israeli police assaulted the protesters and forced them to leave the tent , then proceeded to remove it and remove all the signs and pictures bearing the names of the families who live in Karam al-Jaouni neighborhood in Sheikh Jarrah.

  • At approximately 08:30 on Thursday, 09 December 2021, IOF stationed along the border fence in eastern al-Bureij and al-Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip opened fire at the adjacent Palestinian agricultural lands. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 16:10, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Wahah shore, northwest of Beit Lahia and off al-Soudaniya area in western Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing 3 nautical miles and opened heavy fire around them, causing fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:00 on Friday, 10 December 2021, IOF stationed along the border fence in central Gaza Strip opened fire and fired teargas canisters at the bird hunters in the adjacent lands, but no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:00, IOF stationed offshore next to al-Ghoul land, northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats and opened heavy fire around them. They surrounded a fishing boat belonging to Rafiq “Mohammed ‘Al” Yousif al-Sultan (46), from al-Salatin neighborhood in Beit Lahia when his 2 sons, Mohammed (20) an Ahmed (19) were on board. They were both arrested and taken with the boat to an unknown destination.
    • According to Rafiq al-Sultan, his sons, Mohammed and Ahmed, put the fishing nets in water at around 16:30 on Thursday, 09 December 2021, off al-Waha shore, northeast of Beit Lahia and came back at 06:00 the next day to collect the nets, but they were surprised that the sea pulled the nets to the north toward the border area. They tried to reach them, but they were around 300 meters to the south of the coastal borders. At the time, an Israeli gunboat approached and surrounded them. They were arrested while their boat was confiscated.

      In the afternoon, in a new crime of excessive use of force, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed a Palestinian civilian during the suppression of a peaceful protest Beita village, southeast of Nablus.
      According to PCHR’s investigations, IOF directly targeted the Palestinian civilian in the head at a close range of 50 meters, without any justification or posing threat to the soldiers’ lives. This crime proves IOF unjustifiable lenient shooting standards in disregard for Palestinian civilians’ lives.

      According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 12:15 on Friday, 10 December, a peaceful protest took off in the Beita Park, southeast of Nablus, towards al-Hotah area, east of Mount Sabih, east of the village, where IOF established “Avatar” settlement outpost 8 months ago. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation and settlers. When they arrived, they were surprised with IOF taking their positions near the Mount. IOF immediately fired teargas canisters at the protesters, and intensive clashes broke out. The protesters fired stones at IOF, who continued to fire live and rubber-coated bullets as well as teargas canisters at the protesters, and the clashes expanded to reach the area surrounding the Mount. During the clashes, which continued until around 15:00, a Palestinian civilian was shot with a bullet in the head and sustained critical wounds while others suffocated due to teargas inhalation. As a result, the wounded was taken to the field hospital in Bita village and then referred to Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus, where he was announced dead at 16:00. The murdered was later identified as Jamil Jamal Ahmed Abu ‘Ayyash (32), from Beita village.

    An eyewitness said to PCHR’s fieldworker that:

    “An Israeli soldier fired 2 bullets from 40 to 50 meters on the top of the Mount; one of the bullets was in the air while the other hit Jamil Abu ‘Ayyash, who was in front of the soldier trying to turn back and fled away. Meanwhile, Abu ‘Ayyash did not pose any imminent threat to the soldiers’ lives. Abu ‘Ayyash was shot in the back of the head and fell on the ground. Protesters carried him while his head was open and bleeding. He was put in a Palestinian ambulance and taken to the field hospital in the area. He was referred to Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus, where he was announced dead at 16:00.”

      This victim is the ninth Palestinian shot dead by IOF during suppression of peaceful protests in Beita village since the establishment of the settlement outpost.

  • At approximately 12:30, IOF stationed by the northern entrance to Kafr Qaddoum village, where dozens of Palestinian protested. IOF chased the protesters who gathered in the area, and clashes broke out. IOF fired rubber bullets, teargas canisters and sound bombs at the protesters. As a result, 6 Palestinians were wounded, including 2 children; all with rubber bullets in their extremities except for one who sustained a rubber bullet in the abdomen,
  • At approximately 20:30 on Friday, IOF stationed along the border fence with Israeli, east of al-Showkah village, east of Rafah, opened fire at the adjacent agricultural area, but no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Saturday, 11 December 2021, IOF stationed along the border fence in northeastern al-Bureij in the central Gaza Strip opened fire and teargas canisters at the bird hunters in the adjacent Palestinian agricultural lands. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF stationed at the northern entrance to Kafr Qaddoum village, north of Qalqilya, where dozens of Palestinian protested. IOF chased the protesters who gathered in the area, and clashes broke out. IOF fired rubber bullets, teargas canisters and sound bombs at the protesters. As a result, 2 Palestinians were wounded: a child was wounded with a rubber bullet in the chest while the other was wounded with a rubber bullet in the hand.
  • At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 12 December 2021, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha shore, northwest of Beit Lahia and off al-Soudaniyia shore west of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles and opened heavy fire around. The shooting which continued from time to time until 10:00 the next day enticed fear among the fishermen and forced them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:10, IOF stationed along the border fence in eastern Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip opened fire at the agricultural lands. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 10:30, Israeli gunboats stationed off western Rafah shore, south of the Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 6 nautical miles. The shooting enticed dear among the fishermen and forced them to flee. Neither casualties nor damage to the boats was reported.
  • At approximately 06:30 on Monday, 13 December 2021, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha shore, northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles and opened heavy fire around. The shooting, which continued from time to time until 09:00, enticed fear among the fishermen and forced them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:00, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of Khuza’a, eastern Khan Younis, , opened fire at farmers and bird hunters in the area, forcing them to retreat. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:35, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of al-Maghazi in central Gaza Strip, opened fire at the adjacent agricultural lands. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 00:10 on Tuesday, 14 December 2021, Israeli gunboats stationed off western Rafah shore, south of the Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 6 nautical miles. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into Bilin village, western Ramallah, and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at Palestinians and Palestinian homes in the area. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:40 on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, IOF stationed along the border fence in eastern Gaza Valley village, southeast of Gaza, opened fire at the landfill. No casualties were reported.
  • II. Incursions and arrests

      Thursday, 02 December 2021:
  • At approximately 00:30, IOF arrested Fo’ad Khaled Nazzal (25), after raiding and searching his house in Qalqilya.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested Zain al-Karaki (24) and Yousef al-Karaki (21), after raiding and searching their houses in Shu’afat refugee camp, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested (3) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in Abu Dis village, east of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Yazan Khaled Mohsen (20), Mohammed Saleh Mohsen (43), and Ra’ed Mohammed Rabea’ (42).
  • At approximately 03:25, IOF arrested Karem Khaled Hanoun (23), after raiding and searching his house in Nablus.
  • At approximately 06:50, IOF arrested Fathi Rasmi Jarrar (34), after raiding and searching his house in Sanur village, southeast of Jenin governorate.
  • At approximately 17:00, IOF arrested (4) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-Isawiya, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Naser Othman Darwish (17), Mohammed Abdul Ra’ouf Mahmoud (21), Hussain Mahmoud Atiya (18), and Mohammed Amin al-’Abasi (20).
  • At approximately 21:30, IOF arrested Mohammed Ma’moun Muhaisen (17) and Saleh Bader Abu ‘Asab (21), while present at the western entrance of al-Isawiya, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • IOF carried out (2) incursion in Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin governorate; and Qalqilya. No arrests were reported.
    1. Friday, 03 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested (24) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in several neighborhoods in Surif village, west of Hebron. (PCHR keeps the names of the arrestees). Meanwhile, IOF hung posters on the walls of Palestinian houses to threaten civilians from dealing with Hamas Movement’s activists whether in prisons or in the Gaza Strip. After 24 hours of investigation, IOF released all 24 arrestees.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF arrested (3) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in several neighborhoods in Hebron. The arrestees are: Hisham Hmeidan al-Sharbati (58), Haroun Ibrahim al-Karaki (31), and Basem Mohammed Abdo (35).
  • At approximately 06:40, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint established at the entrance of ‘Atuf village, southeast of Tubas governorate, arrested Fo’ad Mohammed Besharat (32), from Tammun village, southeast of Tubas governorate.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF arrested Maher Makroum Barqan (40), from Hebron, while passing through al-Container military checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem.
  • IOF carried out (3) incursions in Sebastia, northwest of Nablus governorate; Surif and Beit Ula, in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
    1. Sunday, 05 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested Jehad Hasan Abu ‘Adi (26) and Saji Farah Ataya (37), after raiding and searching their houses in Kafr Ni’ma village, west of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Hamza Khalil Taqateqa (20), after raiding and searching his house in Marah Rabah village, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF arrested Karan ‘Atef Qazzaz (24), after raiding and searching his house in Kuseise village, northeast of Dura, southwest of Hebron governorate.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF arrested Mo’ath Hussain Abayat (23), after stopping and confiscating his vehicle near Kisan village, east of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF arrested Mohammed Yaser Deiriyah (28), from Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem, while returning home from Ramallah.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF summonsed the activist, Mona Nabil al-Kurd (23), for investigation in Moscovia Detention Center, in West Jerusalem, after raiding and searching her house in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Mona was summonsed on grounds of submitting complains against those living in al-Ghawi family’s building, which was seized by Israeli settlers, for ruining several murals painted on her house’s walls and drew racist graphics instead beside other racist practices. Al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood committee confirmed that IOF summonsed the complainant, Mona, for investigation instead of holding the perpetrators accountable or deterring them, in addition to carrying out these attacks under the protection of the Israeli police.
  • IOF carried out (4) incursions in al-Dhahiriya, Dura and al-Fawwar refugee camp in Hebron; and al-Bireh, north of Ramallah governorate. No arrests were reported.
    1. Monday, 06 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF arrested (4) civilians, including a child, after raiding and searching their houses in al-Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Ahmed Fathi al-Afghani (11), Saleh Bader Abu ‘Asab (21), Qasem Monir Derbas (18), and Mohammed Baker Mustafa (23).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Hamza Abdul Mohdi al-Zohour (38), after raiding and searching his house in Beit Kahil village, north of Hebron.
  • At approximately 06:20, IOF arrested Ghassan Ra’ed Hamed (39), after raiding and searching his house in Silwad village, east of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 07:30, IOF arrested Khaled Kamel Nawabib (46), after raiding and searching his house in Burqa village, east of Ramallah governorate.
  • At approximately 17:00, IOF arrested Abdul Ra’ouf Riyad Najeeb (19), while present in Bab al-’Amud area, in the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF arrested (3) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-Tuba village, east of Yatta, southwest of Hebron governorate. The arrestees are: Yousef Omar Abu Jindiya (30), Jaber Ibrahim Awad (35), and Ridwan Ibrahim Abu Jindiya (40).
  • IOF carried out (4) incursions in Ras Karkar, Kharbatha, Bil’in and al-Bireh villages. No arrests were reported.
    1. Tuesday, 07 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested Ibrahim al-Sheikh Khalil (24), after raiding and searching his house in al-Ram village, north of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF handed Isma’el Elias Rabea’ (41), a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested (3) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in ‘Arraba, southwest of Jenin governorate. The arrestees are: Ja’far Fawzi Abu Salah (45), Hassan Ramzi Abu Salah (48), and Emad Nawwaf Hammad (50).
  • At approximately 08:00, IOF arrested Tamim Zaher al-Khadour (19), after raiding and searching his house in Biddu village, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • IOF carried out (3) incursions in Beit Ummar, Surif and Yatta villages. No arrests were reported.
    1. Wednesday, 08 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested (3) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in Beit Sahur village, east of Bethlehem governorate. The arrestees are: Lo’ay Haitham al-’Asalini (20), Qusai Eyad al-’Asalini (23), and Ahmed Abdullah Shu’ibat (27).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Shorouk Mohammed al-Badan (26), after raiding and searching her house in Teqoa, east of Bethlehem. It should be noted that IOF arrested al-Badan for 2 times, as she spent 18 months inside the Israeli prisons.
  • At approximately 02:25, IOF arrested Abdul Karim Majed al-Halabi (48), after raiding and searching his house in Rujeib village, southeast of Nablus.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested Sharar Eisa Bani Mefleh (26) and Islam Naser Shurafa (37), after raiding and searching their houses in Beita village, southeast of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested (4) civilians, including a child, after raiding and searching their houses in Beit Fajjar, south of Bethlehem. The arrestees are Mohammed Ibrahim Deiriyah (17), Ameer Murad Taqatiqa (19), Karam Mushref Deiriyah (19), and Mohammed Ibrahim Thalji (20).
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF arrested (5) civilians, including a child, after raiding and searching their houses in al-Isawiya village, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are Ahmed Yousef Obaid (21), Zeyad Mohammed Alian (22), Ahmed Isam Darwish (20), Yazan ‘Atef Obaid (23), and Ahmed Mahmoud al-Afghani (14).
  • At approximately 07:40, IOF stormed al-Rawda al-Haditha School in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. The raided and searched all the school facilities, caused fear among students, and arrested 2 students, the school principal and the social researcher.
    • It should be noted that at approximately 07:10, hundreds of IOF and special units deployed in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhoods looking for a girl that IOF claimed that she carried out stabbing attack against an Israeli settler at the entrance of neighborhood. Meanwhile, IOF stormed, raided and accurately searched al-Rawda al-Haditha School and Khalil al-Sakakini School. Lubna ‘Abdin, a teacher at al-Rawda al-Haditha School, said that many Israeli soldiers raided and searched the school and classes, then detained all students in the school’s yard to search their clothes. ‘Abdin clarified that the Israeli Intelligence Services stayed inside the school for 2 hours, searched and damaged the school contents, and arrested Nofuth Jad Hammad (15), a student in the 10th grade, and her sister, Malak (14), a 9th grader, Fatma al-Rifa’i, the school principal, and Saja Saleh Mardawi (32), the social worker.

      It should be noted that Nofuth Hammad, who IOF claim that she carried out a stab attack, is one of the residents Karam al-Ja’ouni area which is under the threat of displacement in favor of Israeli settlement organizations, in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. After a while, IOF stormed her house and took her mother for investigation, and stormed Isra’ Ghatit’s (14) house, and arrested her.

      Lawyer Mohammed Mahmoud stated that the Israeli court extended Nofuth Hammad and Isra’ Ghatit detention to Monday and released Malak Hammad. Mahmoud highlighted that Nofuth and Isra’ were subjected to psychological pressure, degrading treatment and insults during the investigation, while one of the soldiers hit Nofuth with a chair; both were denied food for several hours.

  • At approximately 22:00, IOF arrested (3) civilians from Bethlehem, while present near Ma’ale Adumim settlement, east of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Ramzi Jamal al-’Amour (32), Khalil Emad al-’Amour (27), Khaled Aqel Dar al-Haj (37).
  • At approximately 23:00, IOF arrested Za’al Bahjat al-Ramiya (44) and Hatem Abdullah Melhem (53), while passing through Qalandia checkpoint, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. IOF severely beaten them before they transferred to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in West Jerusalem to receive treatment.
    1. Thursday, 09 December 2021
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested (6) students studying at al-Najah National University, after raiding and searching their houses in several neighborhoods in Nablus. The arrestees are: Anas Jamil Ishtayah (24), Ayoub Ramzi Dweikat (23), Ibrahim Mohammed Dweikat (22), Omar Khader al-Shakhshir (25), Hasan Helmi Tofaha (21), and Hamza Mo’in Tabanja (23).
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Khuzaima Mahmoud Ghaith (25), after raiding and searching his house in Hebron.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF arrested (6) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Alaa Mousa Abu Riyala (23), his brother, Omar (21), Rashad Amjad Abu Riyala, Ahmed Mohammed Derbas (25), Mohammed Husain Derbas (58), and Khalil Abed Owda (18).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested (9) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-’Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. The arrestees are: Abdul Majeed Mahmoud Jawabra (24), Mahmoud Mohammed Jawabra (30), Firas Zakariya al-Qiq (27), Maher Jamal Abu Warda (36), Omar Ikhmis (33), Eisa Nidal Abu Ghazi (28), Mahmoud Nidal Abu Ghazi (25), Mohammed Fathi Shehada (20), and Rani Mohammed Hudeib (37).
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Ibrahim Mustafa Abed (25), after raiding and searching his house in Tell village, southwest of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Mahdi Omar Zeyada after raiding and searching his house on al-Saf street in Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF arrested (4) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Abdul Karim Ahmed Ayyad (63), a leader in Hamas Movement, his son, Belal (33), Ramez Yousef al-Laham (24), and Mohammed Nidal Manasra (21).
  • At approximately 19:30, IOF arrested Dawoud Mahmoud al-Ghoul (37), after raiding and searching his house in Ras al-Amud neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 20:00, IOF arrested (5) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in Shu’afat neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. The arrestees are: Abdul Latif Ghaith (80), Naser al-Dein Subhi Abu Khudair (60), Zakariya Owda, Manawil Abdul ‘Aal (65), and Sa’eed Abu Khudair (58).
    • It should be noted that IOF released them after several hours of investigation, but imposed house arrest on Abdul Latif Ghaith, and his 11-year-going travel and movement ban was renewed. Ghaith is not allowed to leave Jerusalem, or to enter the West Bank, or travel abroad. Also, 6 months of house arrest was imposed on Naser Abu Khudair, as he was banned from declaring, connecting, or even posting on social media
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF stationed inside the border fence with Israel, east of al-Shawka village, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, arrested Ali Ibrahim Abu Sunima (20) and Yaser Isama’el Abu Sunima (22), while attempting to sneak through the border fence.
  • IOF carried out (6) incursions in Ya’bad, ‘Arraba, al-Zawiya, Sanur, Anzah and Mirka villages in Jenin governorate. No arrests were reported.
    1. Friday, 10 December 2021:
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF arrested Yousef Taha Owda (26), after raiding and searching his house in Deir ‘Ammar refugee camp, west of Ramallah governorate.
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested (3) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-Bireh. The arrestees are: Falah Nada Abdullah (66), Saji Ali ‘Abed (24), and Bara’ Mohammed Abdul Samad (25). It should be noted that all of the above-mentioned arrestees are former prisoners.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested Sami Ibrahim Hussain (40) and Maher al-Fadi (50), after raiding and searching their houses in Beitunia village, west of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 22:00, IOF arrested Shadi Salama Halsa (26), after raiding and searching his house in Jabel Mukaber village, southeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 22:30, IOF arrested Nour al-Dein Sultan Obaid (23), after raiding and searching his house in al-Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • IOF carried out (5) incursions in Halhul and Dura, in Hebron governorate; Ni’lin, Deir Nidham and al-Janiya villages in Ramallah governorate. No arrests were reported.
    1. Saturday, 11 December 2021:
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Mohammed Qanni Mansour (21), after raiding and searching his house in Kfr Qallil village, southeast of Nablus.
  • At approximately 22:00, IOF arrested Ameed Obaid (24) and Wa’el Sabtah (26), while present near the western entrance of al-Isawiya, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • IOF carried out (3) incursions in al-Shuyukh, Hebron and Beit Kahil villages. No arrests were reported.
    1. Sunday, 12 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested Ashraf Ibrahim Shamasnah (38), after raiding and searching his house in Qatanna village, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Wadi al-Maghayir to the south of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses belonging to Salhab family, severely beaten them, and then arrested Ahmed Abdul Salam Salhab (26), and Anas Mahmoud Abdul Salam Salhab (25).
  • Mohammed Salhab gave the following statement to PCHR’s fieldworker:

    “We woke up to IOF surrounding our family building in Wadi al-Maghayir area, near Beit Higai settlement, south of Hebron. As soon as my son, Nour al-Dein, headed to the front door to see what’s happening, I followed him, the Israeli soldiers entered and took us to my brother’s house, where IOF were detaining my brother, Mahmoud (54), and his family, while his son, Ibrahim (14), was on the ground. I attempted to talk to the soldiers to leave Ibrahim, but the other family members living in the same building came after hearing Mahmoud’s wife screaming. IOF kept hitting my nephew, Osama (25), with their rifles’ butts, so I intervened to help him, but one of the soldiers hit me with his riffle’s butt in the back. After 15 minutes of assaulting and hitting us, Osama lost his consciousness because his head was bleeding; he was transported to a Palestinian ambulance which was waiting for him on the main street, because IOF prevented it’s access to our building. Meanwhile, the Israeli soldiers carried Osama to the Palestinian ambulance for first aid until the Israeli military ambulance came and took him to Soroka Medical Center in Israel for treatment. Three hours later, IOF arrested my nephew, Ahmed Abdul Salam Salhab (26), and we headed to a governmental hospital to receive treatment.”

  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested Zaher Mahmoud Masalmah (24), after raiding and searching his house in Dayr Samet village, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron governorate.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF arrested Medhat Tareq al-Isawi (48), after raiding and searching his house in al-Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. It should be noted that al-Isawi is a former prisoner who spent 26 years inside the Israeli prisons and released 4 months ago.
  • At approximately 15:40, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint established at the main entrance of Turmus Ayya, arrested Abdul Rahman Fadi Abdul Rahman (16), from the city, while passing through the checkpoint.
  • At approximately 07:30, IOF arrested Ibrahim Khalil Msaffar (47), after raiding and searching his house in Mazari’ al-Nubani village, northwest of Ramallah governorate.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested Laith Fadi ‘Akar (19), from Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, while present in the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF arrested Ahmed Ramiz Raqban (19), while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Dayr Ghasana and Bayt Rima villages, northwest of Ramallah. No arrests were reported.
    1. Monday, 13 December 2021:
  • At approximately 00:00, IOF arrested Amir Shadi Dawoud (20), after raiding and searching his house on al-Basha street in Ras al-Ein neighborhood, south of Nablus.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested Ragheb Mousa Jaber (24), after raiding and searching his house in al-Eizariya village, east of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested (5) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-’Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. The arrestees are: Ghassan Amjad Jawabra (30), Mo’ayad Sami al-Sharabi (29), Izz al-Dein Mohammed al-Hour (33), Anas Amjad Jawabra (29), and Rabah Belal Fdailat (36).
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Rami Saleh al-Fakhouri (30), and his wife, Eman Musbah Abu Sbeih (22), after raiding and searching their house in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
    • Saleh al-Fakhouri, Rami’s father, stated that IOF stormed and searched his house, and found a picture of Eman’s father, Musbah Abu Sbeih, who was killed by IOF in 2016, after committing a shooting attack in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. When one of the Israeli soldiers saw the picture of Eman’s father, he commented that Abu Sbeih was a terrorist and insulted him, so Eman could not control herself and quarreled with the soldiers, so the female soldiers took Eman to another room and attempted to strip searching her but she refused. When Rami heard Eman screaming, he attempted to check on her, but the soldiers prevented him from entering the room, severely beat and arrested him along with Eman in front of their children.

  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Omar Mo’ayad Ahmed Ghazi (21), and his brother, Ahmed (22), after raiding and searching their houses in Jamma’in village, southeast of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Mohsen Younis Masalma (33) and Salah Ali Zughayar (38), after raiding and searching their houses in Hebron governorate.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF arrested Yazeed Osama Naser (27), after raiding and searching his house in Zeita Jamma’in village, southeast of Nablus.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF arrested Anas Mamdouh Khalil Miskawi (25), after raiding and searching his house in Qalqilya.
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Hasan Yousef Dar Khalil (66), a leader in Hamas Movement and a former prisoner, and Nour Ali al-Qadi (31), a former prisoner, after raiding and searching their houses in Beitunia village, west of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF arrested Bara’ Sa’ed ‘Assi (25), after raiding and searching his house in Qarawat Bani Hassan village, in Salfit.
  • At approximately 03:40, IOF arrested (4) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in Bayt Liqya village, west of Ramallah. The arrestees are: Mo’ath Eyad Assi (25), Bara’ Mohammed Mafarja (23), Waheed Omar Mousa (36), and Tha’er Bader (30).
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF arrested (5) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. The arrestees are: Naser Osama al-Hidmi (53), Jehad Naser Qaws (27), Rasheed Rasmi al-Rashaq (21), Mohammed Khaled Sharifa (25), and Sufian Omar al-’Ajlouni (23).
  • At approximately 07:00, IOF arrested Nitham Roshdi Abu Romouz (39), after raiding and searching his house in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF arrested Monthir Hamada (35), after raiding and searching his house in Sur Baher village, southeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with 9 military vehicles moved 250 meters to the west of the border fence with Israel, adjacent to “16”military site, northeast of Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip. They leveled and combed lands amidst sporadic shooting, causing damages in the agricultural lands. At approximately 16:00, IOF withdrew, but no casualties were reported.
    1. Tuesday, 14 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:20, IOF arrested Mohammed Yousef Warasnah (39) and Qassam ‘Atef Halayqa (37), after raiding and searching their houses in al-Shuyukh village, north of Hebron.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF arrested ‘Arrabi Mahmoud al-Jawarish (25), after raiding and searching his house in Jabal al-Mawaleh area in Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Qusai Abed Alian (22), after raiding and searching his house in al-Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF arrested Mousa Mohammed Abed Rabboh (34), after raiding and searching his house in Jabal al-Mawaleh area in Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested Jehad Mousa Shalaledah (40), after raiding and searching his house in Sa’ir village, north of Hebron.
  • Around the same time, IOF arrested Omar Mohammed Assaf (29) and Haitham Ya’qoub Omar (22), after raiding and searching their houses in Far’un village, east of Tulkarm.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF arrested Fadi Abdul Raheem Hattab (31), after raiding and searching his house in Kafr al-Labad village, south of Tulkarm.
  • At approximately 03:40, IOF arrested (3) civilians, all of them were former prisoners, after raiding and searching their houses in Deir Abu Masha’al village, northwest of Ramallah. The arrestees are: Mohammed Tayseer Zahran (41), Nidal Ibrahim ‘Atta (33), and Mahdi Khalil al-Barghouthi (26).
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF handed Majd Syam (22) a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services, and arrested Mohammed Syam (21), after raiding and searching their houses in Wadi al-Joz neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles stormed Birzeit University in Birzeit village, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched the campus and severely beaten Ahmed Jamal Hamdan (40), one of the security personnel, causing bruises in his leg. Furthermore, they confiscated the mobile phones of 5 security personnel and forced them to open the buildings of 3 collages: (the College of Nursing, the College of Science, and the College of Graduate Studies), where they confiscated a number of stereographs from the College of Science, and a number of banners which belonging to the student blocs in the university. After 2 hours, IOF withdrew and no incidents were reported.
  • At approximately 06:00, a group of undercover “Mista’arvim” (Israeli Special Unit dressed like Palestinian civilians) sneaked into Kafr Ni’ma village, west of Ramallah, using a white bus. They stationed near the village’s mosque and surrounded a house. Meanwhile, several military vehicles moved into the village and covered the withdrawal of the special unit, and arrested Osaid Mohammed Abu ‘Adi (24), who is a university student and a former prisoner.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF arrested Yazan al-Hussaini (19) and Mohammed al-Sa’ou (19), after raiding and searching their houses in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 20:00, IOF arrested Saleh Ghassan Obaid (19) and Mo’tasem Hamza Obaid (20), from al-Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem, while present at the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Yatta and Idna villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
    1. Wednesday, 15 December 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF arrested Mohammed Mousa Hijazi (23), after raiding and searching his house in Jabal al-Mawaleh area in Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF arrested Mohammed Zaki Baddah (29), after raiding and searching his house in ‘Askar al-Jadeed refugee camp, northeast of Nablus.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF arrested Fadi Mohammed al-Khadour (28), after raiding and searching his house in Biddu village, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF arrested Mohammed Abdul Salam Rabea’ (25), after raiding and searching his house in Beit ‘Anan village, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 10:00, IOF severely beaten and arrested Belal Abu Shamsiyah (32), claiming that he attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at Qalandia military checkpoint, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. IOF released him after several hours.
    • Abu Shamsiyah stated that he is from Ras al-’Amud village, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and he volunteered to drive his blind neighbor to Kafr Aqab village. As soon as he arrived at Qalandia military checkpoint, he parked his vehicle and took his neighbor’s hand to help him to cross the street and return to his vehicle. Suddenly, he found the Israeli soldiers shouting, “Where is your knife?!” and directing their weapons at him, claiming that he was attempting to carry out a stabbing attack. Abu Shamsiyah explained what happened with him while he was in prone position, so IOF searched him and severely beaten him before taking him to an investigation room at the checkpoint. After several hours of field investigation, IOF released him.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF severely beaten and arrested Abdul Rahman ‘Ayid Hujair (22), after raiding and accurately searching his shop in Dayr Ibzi’ village, west of Ramallah.
  • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Ya’bad and Kafr Qud villages in Jenin governorate. No arrests were reported.
  • III. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank

    a. Land razing, Demolitions, and Notices

  • At approximately 10:30 on Thursday, 02 December 2021, IOF backed by Israeli military vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Kherbet al-Markaz, east of Yatta city in southern Hebron. Israeli soldiers deployed in the area while vehicles demolished several facilities, under the pretext of non-licensing. Israeli authorities distributed cease-construction notices in 2013, which were as follows:
  • 1. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Najar; Livestock barrack; 200 sqm Built of tin plates and iron pillars

    2. Mahmoud Mohammed al-Najar; Two rooms; 35 sqm Built of bricks and tin plates

    3. Jamal Mahmoud al-Najar; Room; 25 sqm Built of bricks and tin plate

    4. Saffa ‘Abed al-Rahman al-Najar; Room; 20 sqm Built of bricks and tin plates

    5. Saffa ‘Abed al-Rahman al-Najar; Livestock barrack; 50 sqm Built of tin plate

  • On Saturday evening, 04 December 2021, Mo’ath al-Rajbi implemented the Israeli Municipality’s decision and self-demolished his house in Beit Hanina village, north of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Mo’ath said that he finished the construction of his house in Beit Hanina village and lived in it along with his family comprised of 5 members two months ago. During which, the Israeli Municipality immediately issued an administrative demolition notice against his house. He clarified that the demolition order could not delay or freeze through Israeli courts, so he was forced to self-demolish the house fearing for paying fines to the municipality if they do so. He added that the 55-sqaure-meter house shelters his wife and his 3 children Dahab (4), Ghram (3) and Hussain (10 months).
  • At approximately 09:00 on Monday, 06 December 2021, IOF backed by Israeli military vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into al-Bowaib village, east of Yatta city in southern Hebron. IOF deployed in the area while military vehicles demolished Samer Salah Mohammed al-Ja’bari’s house that was ready for habitation and was built of bricks and tin plates in an area of 80 square meters. Al-Ja’bari was supposed to live with his family comprised of five members, including a child, in the house. It should be noted that on 01 December 2021, Israeli authorities handed a military order No. (1797) for al-Ja’bari, which gave him 96 hours to demolish the house in order to achieve what is called “restitution in kind”.
  • At approximately 11:30, IOF backed by Israeli military vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Zeaf area, north of Yatta in southern Hebron. IOF deployed in the area while military vehicles demolished ‘Adel Isma’il Ibrahim Abu Turki’s two 20- square-meter rooms built of bricks. It should be noted that on 01 December 2021, Israeli authorities handed a military order No. (1797) for Abu Turki.
  • On the same day, Bahaa ‘Adnan Zaytoun implemented the Israeli Municipality’s decision and self-demolished his house in Bir Ayoub neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Zaytoun said that he built his 70-sqaure-meter house 4 years ago and he lives in it along with his wife and their 4 children. He pointed out that the municipality handed him an administrative demolition order a week ago and gave him until Tuesday, 07 December 2021, to implement the order. Due to this, he was forced to self-demolish the house fearing for paying fines to the municipality staff. Also, Zaytoun pointed out that IOF demolished the house of his cousin namely Mohammed Zaytoun last week, so his family comprising of 6 members became homeless.
  • At approximately 09:00 on Tuesday, 07 December 2021, Aryeh Yitzhak King, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, along with Israeli settlers handed Fatema Salem a notice issued from the Israeli Executive Chamber to vacate her house located in western Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext that the house belongs to settlement associations.
    • Fatema Salem (69) said that the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem along with Israeli settlers raided her house and handed her a notice to evacuate her house before 21 December 2021. She clarified that she lives in the house with her 3 sons and their families comprising of 10 members. She added that her house is established before 1948 and she was born in it in 1952. Also, she got married and gave birth to her children while living in the house. She has never left her house and does not intend to leave it. Fatema pointed out that in 1988, settlement associations claimed their ownership of the house, since that, her family and she are struggling to prove their ownership.

      She added that in 1988, Israeli settlers obtained a decision from Israeli courts to evacuate her and her family from home, but she had been able to freeze the decision. In 2015, the eviction decision was renewed, ordering her to evacuate the house along with her family at the end of 2021. Ibrahim Salem, the house owner’s son, said that the family lawyer told them that the situation is very serious and there is a high risk that they would be evicted from their home, which they had lived in all their lives, especially that they had been received an eviction order 4 days ago. It should be noted that there are over 500 members living in 28 houses in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood face the risk of being evicted from their houses, under the pretext of its ownership to settlement associations. Those residents are fighting in the Israeli courts to prove the ownership of their houses and cancel the decisions issued to disciple them from their houses or seizing them.

      Around the same time, Israeli military vehicles demolished 3 agricultural rooms and handed demolition notices to a livestock barn and dozens of inhabited and uninhabited houses in Nahalin village, west of Bethlehem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Hani Fanoun, Mayor of Nahalin village Municipality, said that IOF accompanied with Israeli military vehicles moved into al-Salib and Khelet al-‘Adas areas, where they demolished 3 agricultural rooms belonging to Mahmoud Jamil Shakarnah, Ibrahim Yousef ‘Awad and Shareef Musalam Mostafa. He added that IOF attempted to demolish a livestock barrack belonging to Mahmoud Shakarnah, but the latter refused to evacuate the livestock out of the barn, as well as dozens of citizens gathered and stopped the demolition. Later, IOF handed the barn’s owner an eviction order as a prelude to demolish it within 3 days. Ibrahim ‘Awad, one of the agricultural rooms owners, said that Israeli authorities demolished his 60-square-meter agricultural room established to preserve his land. He clarified that he previously received a cease-construction notice from the Israeli authorities, so he headed to the Israeli courts to obtain licenses and surveyed the site to prevent its demolition, but in vain as Israeli vehicles demolished his agricultural room over its contents without a prior warning or without handing him a demolition notice.

  • At approximately 09:30, Israeli military vehicles levelled Kayed Na’iem Fataftah’s land in al-Sal’ah neighborhood in Jabel Mukaber village, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Also, they demolished a retaining wall surrounding the land, under the pretext of non-licensing. Fataftah said that he was shocked by storming his land, leveling it, damaging plants, and demolishing the retaining wall that was estimated at 100,000 shekels.
  • On Saturday, 11 December 2021, Nassar family implemented the Israeli Municipality’s order and self-demolished three houses located in Wadi Qadoum neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing.
    • Monther Nassar said that he, his son Mohammed, and his brother Jawad were forced to self-demolish their houses in Wadi Qadoum neighborhood, to avoid paying fines estimated at more than 200,000 shekels for Israeli Municipality. He clarified that his house has established since 2014, and he has been lived in it along with his wife, his mother and his 6 kids. In 2015, he built a small house near his house, containing a room and its facilities for his son Mohammed, who lives in it with his wife and their 3 children. Nassar added that his brother Jawad built a 70-square-meter house near his house sheltering his wife and their 4 children. He pointed out that the municipality has been pursuing the three houses since 2015 and imposed fines on them estimated at 52,000 shekels. They have been paid the fines and attempted to license the houses, but in vain. Nassar said that the municipality does not grant licenses for Jerusalemites and Israeli courts no longer accept pleas to freeze demolition decisions, so its owners are forced to demolish them fearing hefty demolition fines. Nassar stressed the difficulty of the Palestinian citizen’s lives in Jerusalem, especially with the soaring price of house rents.

  • At approximately 09:00 on Monday, 13 December 2021, IOF confiscated a 4700-square-meter land in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, ordered its owners to evacuate it forcibly and demolished it as a prelude to conduct excavation works in it, under the pretext of being public utility.
    • It should be noted that in last November, Israeli Supreme Court approved a decision issued by the Israeli District Court to confiscate the strategically located land in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood that belongs to Jarallah, ‘Odah, ‘Obaidat, and Mansour families, under the pretext of public utility. Malek ‘Obaidat, one of the land’s owners, had previously said that the Israeli Supreme Court refused an appeal submitted by his family along with Jarallah, ‘Odah and Mansour families concerning the Israeli District Court decision to hand over the land to the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem or any party, claiming that this land is considered a public utility, and the court decided to ratify the decision.

      ‘Obaidat clarified that the land is in a sensitive and important location in occupied East Jerusalem. It is close to the Simon al-Siddiq’s Tomb, which Jews consider as a holy shrine to them, and is visited by settlers on their holidays and occasions. It is also close to Karam al-Ja’wni area, which houses are threatened to be evicted in favor for settlement associations. ‘Obaidat added that the case of the confiscated land has been considered in the Israeli court since 2005, throughout those years, the municipality questioned the four families’ ownership of the land, but the families proved their ownership in the Israeli Supreme Court. In 2015, these families were shocked by the Israeli District Court’s decision to confiscate the land with the support of the MEHI – MIDDLE EAST HOTELS, and by agreement with the Israeli municipality, to convert the land into a garden at the hotel’s expense and compensate the land’s owners with money at the expense of the hotel owners, provided that the municipality allows to increase the construction area in the hotel from 18,000 to 36,000 square meters. ‘Obaidat pointed out that the land’s owners would not accept the hotel owners’ compensation for them and would pursue them, stressing that the land’s owners have documents that prove the illegal and immoral transaction between the hotel owners and the Israeli municipality. The families’ lawyer, Mohanad Jbara, issued a statement warning of the seriousness of the confiscation decision. He also warned that the municipality taking over of the land encourages the setters to seize the land that may turn into a hotbed for settlers coming to Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

  • At approximately 01:00 on Monday, 13 December 2021, IOF backed by military vehicles and accompanied with a mounted-crane truck moved into Jabal Jawhar area in southern Hebron. IOF raided and searched Kamal Hasan Ghaith (55)’s house after opening the house door with a special machine. After that, they stormed and searched the 1st floor and confiscated printers. Also, they arrested Ghaith and handed the family a list of confiscated items allegedly used in favor of terrorist organizations. The confiscated printers were estimated at 100,000 shekels.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Tuesday, 14 December 2021, Israeli municipality vehicles demolished Majd al-Helisy’s house in Bab al-Maghareba area in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Al-Helisy said that his house was built a year ago, and when he got married, he lived with his mother in a small house. After that, when he had kids, he built a 70-square-meter house comprising of 2 rooms and its facilities. He clarified that he recently received a demolition notice from the Israeli municipality, which allowed him to challenge the demolition order within a certain period. Al-Helisy indicated that the municipality did not consider the challenge submitted 2 days ago, and demolished the house over its contents, as they did not give him enough time to get them out of the house.
  • At approximately 10:00, the Israeli municipality continued to demolish the foundations of Eyad Burqan’s house in al-Shayyah area in Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. It should be noted that Eyad self-demolished his house in the mid of last November to avoid paying fines to the municipality. Eyad said that he received a notice to demolish his 2-storey-house in last June, and he submitted an appeal to the Israeli District Court, but it was rejected. After that, he paid 50,000 shekels to submit an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court, which was refused as well. Burqan pointed out that his 2-storey-under- construction house was built in an area of 300 square meters and costed more than 700,000 shekels. He was He hoped to live at the house with his wife and their six children, including a child with disability. Also, he added that he was forced to self-demolish his house fearing for paying 400,000 shekels to the municipality. He was shocked by IOF storming to his house and demolishing its foundations to force him paying the fines.
  • At approximately 12:00, Israeli military vehicles demolished ‘Attah Ja’afrah’s house in Jabel Mukaber village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Ja’afrah said that he built his 90-square-meter house in 2010, sheltering 11 members, including 6 children. He clarified that 10 years ago, the Israeli Municipality pursed him and issued a demolition notice against his house. Throughout the past years, he attempted to freeze the demolition order, despite imposing fines on him by the municipality and the Israeli courts. Ja’afrah added that, 15 months ago, the Israeli Court issued a final demolition decision and notified him that it will impose fines on him if he will not self-demolish his house.
  • On Wednesday, 15 December 2021, Nassar family implemented the Israeli Municipality order and self-demolished 3 houses in Wadi Qaddoum neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Mazen Nassar said that he and his brothers “ Mohammed Zaid” and “Mohammed Fadel” implemented the municipality order and self-demolished their houses in Wadi Qaddoum neighborhood fearing for paying fines to the municipality estimated at 80,000 shekels for each of them if they would not implement the demolition. He clarified that three houses were built in an area of 100-130 square meter.
  • He added that his house sheltered 11 members, his brother Mohammed Zaid’s house sheltered 8 members and their brother Mohammed Fadel’s house sheltered the same number of members. Nassar indicated that the three houses along with 6 other houses belonging to Nassar family had been received demolition orders from the Israeli municipality, under the pretext that the municipality confiscated the land to construct a park. Nassar pointed out that the municipality gave them until the end of this year to self-demolish all the notified houses. He added that his father, Mohammed Nassar, bought the land 35 years ago, but the municipality issued an order to confiscate it, under the pretext of constructing a park on it, as his father refused to sell the land or replace it with another land, despite that his brother’s licensed house was established on the land 25 years ago, in addition to 2 other houses established 19 years ago, and 3 houses established 10 years ago, sheltering 70 members.
  • At approximately 10:30, IOF backed by military vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Susya village, south of Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers distributed 4 cease-construction notices, under the pretext of non-licensing.
  • The notices were as follows:

    1. Susya village council; A park for kindergarten; 150 sqm; A concrete floor, fence, and playground.

    2 .Naser Mohammed Nawaj’aj; Water well; 80 m3 pit

    3. Mohsen Mahmoud Mohammed Nawaj’ah; A room; 25 sqm; Under-construction room built of bricks and tin plates.

    4 Mohsen Mahmoud Mohammed Nawaj’ah; Tin-plate barrack; 60 sqm; Tin plates

  • At approximately 15:00, IOF backed by military vehicles moved into al-Rakeez area, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. A group of citizens were plowing al-Rakeez area land to plant it with winter crops. The IOF deployed in the area, declared it as a closed military zone and prevented the citizens from plowing the land, under the pretext of being a state-owned land. During which, a verbal altercation erupted between the IOF and Palestinian citizens. As a result, IOF arrested Suliman Mohammed Suliman Mohammed (39), Ibrahim Mohammed Hasan Abu ‘Arram (44) and Maher Ahmed Mohammed (43). Also, IOF confiscated a tractor.
  • b. Setters’ Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and their Propert

  • On At approximately 23:25 on Thursday, 02 December 2021, a group of Israeli settlers, from “Ahya” settlement, which is established on Jalud village’s lands, southeast of Nablus, threw stones at Palestinians’ houses located in eastern the village. They also punctured the tires of Hisham ‘Emad Hamoud’s vehicle that was parked in front of the houses and then fled towards the settlement.
  • At approximately 09:00 on Saturday, 04 December 2021, a group of Israeli settlers, from “Havat Ma’on” settlement outpost, assaulted Palestinian shepherds and farmers while present in the natural pastures, southeast of Yatta City, south of Hebron, and tried to expel them. Afterwards, a group of Palestinian and an Israeli force arrived and stopped settlers’ attacks against the shepherds and farmers.
  • At approximately 14:00, an Israeli settler discriminately opened fire from his pistol in front of Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, claiming that the camp’s residents threw stones at his vehicle. After that, Israeli backup forces arrived and the soldiers deployed in the area, but no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 19:00 on Sunday, 05 December 2021, a group of Israeli settlers, under IOF’s protection, moved into as-Samu village, south of Hebron. IOF closed the center of the village, prevented citizens from moving and forced shop owners to close. Meanwhile, the settlers stormed an antique building in central the village and performed prayers. The village closure continued until 21:00.
  • At approximately 22:00 on Thursday, 09 December 2021, armed settlers attacked Sheikh Jarrah residents’ vehicles that were parked in the neighborhood’s western side, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. The neighborhood residents said that a group of settlers carrying knives and pepper spray gathered near al-Ghawi building in Karem al-Ja’ouni area and then headed towards the National Insurance Building and Al-Hayat Medical Center, in the western side of the neighborhood. The settlers threw stones at Palestinians’ vehicles, breaking the windows of 5 vehicles, and then fled towards Street no. 1 and Mea Shearim neighborhood. The neighborhood committee clarified that this was the 2nd attack within 2 weeks against the same area, as the settlers previously punctured the tiers of 10 vehicles that were parked in front of the medical center parking. The committee added that the police arrived at the area after 20 munities and did not do anything as usual. The committee pointed out that the settlers’ attacks against the neighborhood residents had not ceased, as on Thursday morning, the settlers vandalized the murals of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, for the fourth time in a row.
  • On Saturday morning, 11 December 2021, a group of settlers, from “Shavei Shomron” settlement, which is established on Deir Sharaf village’s lands, west of Nablus, attacked Palestinian farmers’ lands in al-Hariqa area, west of the village. The settlers broke and uprooted at least 600 olive and almond trees planted a month ago on an area of 68 dunums belonging to the sons of the late Awad Abu Safad, Ghazi Faris Antari, Abd al-Rahim Suleiman Abu Safad, and Nour al-Din Suleiman Abu Safad.
    At approximately 01:00 on Sunday, 12 December 2021, a large group of Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians’ properties on Nablus Street in central of occupied East Jerusalem and threw stones at vehicles and residential houses’ windows. They also cursed the Palestinians and threatened them to be killed.
    • Mohammed Qanitah said that more than 30 masked settlers moved into Nablus Street in the evening, threw stones at his family house and broke the windows of his vehicle along with his cousins’ vehicles (7), in addition to breaking the windows of 5 vehicles parked in front of his family house. Qanitah pointed out that this was the 2nd time that the settlers carried out this attack within few months ago. He added that the police did not investigate the incident and only told them that the vehicles’ owners should refer them later to find a mechanism of repairing their vehicles. He also pointed out that the police did not attempt to reach the perpetrators and punish them to prevent the recurrence of the attack again.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, a large number of Israeli settlers attacked Fatema Salem’s house in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, while she was getting out of her house along with her son Ibrahim. The settlers put barbed wires around the house and set up cameras. Ibrahim Salem said that at least 30 settlers attacked his house while he and his mother were getting out of it to meet the lawyer and put barbed wire around it along with another nearby plot of land in order to close it and forcibly expel them from the house. Salem clarified that shortly after he left, his wife phoned him and told him that the settlers stormed the house, so he immediately returned. When he arrived, dozens of the neighborhood residents gathered in front of his house and stopped the settlers’ attacks. During which, verbal altercation erupted between the residents and settlers, who assaulted them and beat Fatema Salem. Ibrahim indicated that the settlers assaulted his family’s land without a court decision and the Israeli police arrived and did not take any action against the settlers. The police only said that the land should remain intact until issuing a decision from the court.
    • It should be noted last Tuesday, the Israeli Municipality handed Fatema a decision issued by the Israeli Executive Chamber to evacuate her house located in the western side of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, under the pretext of its ownership of settlement associations.

    By PCHR