Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’s executive committee member Hanan Ashrawi, on Thursday, denounced the series of war crimes committed by Israel against defenseless Palestinian people, the latest of which being the killing of three West Bank citizens in cold blood.

“This persistence in field executions, intentional killings, collective punishment and the continuation of organized Israeli terrorism reflects a clear disregard by the Israeli extremist government for the entire world and its institutions and international bodies,” she said in a statement issued by her office on behalf of the Executive Committee, on Thursday.

Ashrawi said, at the end of her statement, that these crimes underline our demand for the international community to provide urgent and necessary aid for Palestinian people and to hold Israel accountable for its violations in a serious and effective manner. The silence of the international community is “further proof” of Israel’s ” immunity and exceptionality and the lack of accountability” to international law.

“The end of the occupation and the establishment of a free, independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the land of 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital is the fundamental solution to stop these crimes and end the suffering of the Palestinian people.”