The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers abducted, in June, 31 Palestinian children in several parts of the occupied West Bank, and imposed fines reaching at least 75.000 Shekels.

The PPS said that the Ofer Israeli military court, near Ramallah in central West Bank, issued fines against detained Palestinian children, exceeding 75.000 Shekels.

It added that Israeli courts, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, continue to impose excessive fines and bail on the detained children, in addition to depriving them basic rights.

Many of the detained children are beaten, tortured and questioned without legal representation, in addition to being held in prisons and interrogation centers, which are unfit to deal with minors.

Detainee Lu’ay al-Mansi, who represents the imprisoned Palestinian children in Ofer prison, said that soldiers transferred 31 children to the facility, and added that they were all taken prisoner in June, including 15 who are under the age of 16.

Al-Mansi added that twelve of the children were beaten and abused during their arrest and interrogation, while one of them, Tareq Amin Ashour, was interrogated for 22 consecutive days in Asqalan prison, without legal representation.

The PPS said the prison sentences imposed on the children varied between a few months and 24 months.

It also stated that one child, identified as Husam Abu Khalifa, who was taken prisoner many months ago, was slapped, in June, with an Administrative Detention order, holding him captive without charges, for the fourth consecutive time.

The PPS added that Israel is holding 127 children in Ofer prison alone, and that the current number of detained minors is nearly 350.