Munther Amira, a Palestinian Social Worker, activist and human rights defender, was arrested by Israeli forces during a non-violent protest, in Bethlehem, against the Trump Administration declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in addition to Israeli violations of Palestinian children’s rights.

Amira was  released last week, after six months of prison, and interviewed by Rory Truell, Secretary-General of International Federation of Social Workers, where he describes the importance of the social work approach to non-violent resistance and how advocating for all people’s human rights is the essence of the social work profession.

“Munther Amira was arrested for challenging one of the occupation’s invasive tentacles – the abuse of children detained by the Israeli military,” says Truell, according to the PNN.

“As a social worker, he felt obligated to advocate for the rights of children, and for this he spent six months in a military prison. He stands along with the great leaders of social change. They too understood that the seeds of future freedom lay the people’s action, solidarity and non-violent resistance.”

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