Senior Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) leader, Dr. Saeb Erekat said “Palestinians have the right to feel betrayed by the silence of the international community over the racist practices committed by Israel and the US, which violate international law.”

Palestine News Network (PNN) editor in chief, Monjed Jadou, reported that Dr. Erekat said that the two state solution, which Israel is trying to terminate, is not a Palestinian demand but rather an international and American demand.

“However, we feel sorry that many countries of the world have not yet protected this solution by recognizing the Palestinian state,” Erekat said, indicating that the countries of the world should work to help both sides and confirm the solution.

This came during the annual dinner organized by the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, held at the Arab Orthodox Club in Beit Jala city for consuls, ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Palestine alongside representatives of international humanitarian institutions and representatives of foreign, Arab and Palestinian media.

Dr. Erekat stated that all US administrations have been supportive of Israel, but the present administration came into office and took hostile measures towards the Palestinian people at various levels, starting with the closure of the Palestinian representation office and the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Finally, by the US Secretary of State claiming that Israeli settlements in the West Bank, deemed illegal under International Law, are somehow legitimate.

On the positions of the Trump administration and the so-called deal of the century, Erekat said: “We have an authoritarian US administration, that wants us to accept all of its measures rejecting Palestinian rights.” He said that the countries of the world are “required to protect their principles and their humanitarian interests through a real and practical position on the ground in support of Palestinian rights, otherwise the whole world will be in danger and the Palestinians will only be the start.”

The Congressional Decision is a Blow to the Trump Administration
In contrast, Erekat expressed his appreciation to the US Congress, which issued a stance opposing annexation and settlements, and supporting the two-state solution, explaining that this stance is a blow to the US administration.

He stressed that the present US administration will not have a place as a mediator in future negotiations, because they seek to perpetuate the system of apartheid.

The PLO official said that those who support the end of the occupation carry out noble work, and anyone that tries to link that support to anti-Semitism, are evil demons.

Erekat emphasized that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu does not believe in peace, stating “Netanyahu rejects the two-state solution and will burn the Middle East to stay in power.”

Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam