According to medical sources, seven Palestinians, including one child, were injured by live ammunition on Friday, as Israeli forces attacked the hundreds of protesters participating in the weekly Great March of Return at the eastern border of the Gaza Strip.

Hundreds of Palestinian protesters gathered at several locations along the Israeli/Gaza border, while Israeli soldiers fired live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets from border watchtowers and armored military vehicles, reported WAFA News Agency.

Some of the protesters hit with live bullets were treated in field hospitals, while others were transferred to the nearest medical facility in Gaza.

Since the beginning of the Great March of Return protests at the Gaza border on March 30, 2018, Israeli forces have been responsible for the killing of more than 250 Palestinians, and injuring over 23,000. Many Palestinians have suffered debilitating injuries, including limb amputation.

The stated objective of the Great March of Return demonstrations is to demand the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to the pre-1948 historical Palestine, to call for the complete lifting of the illegal blockade of Gaza.