Israeli soldiers abducted, Thursday afternoon, a young Palestinian man from his home in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center In Silwan (Silwanic) said the soldiers abducted Hamza Zghayyar from his work at the Jerusalem Electricity Company in Salahuddin Street in Jerusalem.

Several soldiers invaded the company before abducting the young man and moving him to an interrogation facility.

On Wednesday evening, the soldiers abducted six Palestinians and assaulted two of them after leaving the Al-Aqsa Mosque following evening prayers in occupied Jerusalem.

Silwanic stated that the soldiers and police officers abducted 38 Palestinians from Bab al-Amoud, Bab as-Sahera, Nablus Street, al-Misrara, and several surrounding areas in occupied Jerusalem since the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last Saturday, April 2nd.

Silwanic added that most of the abducted Palestinians were released after receiving orders barring them from entering Bab al-Amoud, Bab as-Sahera, Nablus Street, and al-Misrara.

Firas al-Jebrini, the lawyer of Silwanic, said the Israeli police created a special division on the first day of Ramadan responsible for interrogating the Palestinians who are taken prisoners from the street of Jerusalem in the Al-Maskobiyya interrogation center.

On Thursday at dawn, the Israeli army abducted thirteen Palestinians from several parts of the occupied West Bank after the soldiers stormed and violently searched many homes and shops.