On Thursday evening, Israeli soldiers injured dozens of Palestinians near Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers stopped a young man at the Beit Furik military roadblock east of Nablus and repeatedly assaulted him.

They added that the soldiers struck the young man with batons and rifles to several parts of his body, including the head, before Palestinian medics rushed him to a hospital in the city.

In Beita town, south of Nablus, the soldiers attacked Palestinian protesters at the town’s main entrance, causing at least 45 to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation and a young man injured after falling as the soldiers chased him.

Also, at least six Palestinians suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation during protests near the Huwwara military roadblock south of Nablus.

In related news, Israeli military bulldozers placed sand mounds on many streets in and around Huwwara town.