Palestinian media sources reported Monday that representatives of the rival Palestinian parties , Hamas and Fatah will be heading for the Yemeni capital of San’a for talks over possible reconciliation.The meeting in Sana’a will be hosted by the Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has recently proposed an initiative for reconciliation between both Palestinian parties.

Member of the executive committee of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Ra’fat Saleh, welcomed the Yemeni initiative but said the Fatah delegation is unauthorized to engage in a dialogue with Hamas.

The Hamas’ delegation, formed mainly of exiled Hamas leaders, including Mousa Abu Marzouq, Sami Abu Khater and Mohhamd Nasser, will explore the Yemeni initiative, Ayman Taha, a Gaza-based Hamas spokesman told media outlets.

Taha reiterated his movement’s declared position that any dialogue with Fatah should be unconditioned.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Aabbas called in December2006 for an early elections to put an end to an internationally-imposed economic embargo on the Hamas-led government.

The call was followed by a fierce Fatah-Hamas power struggle, which ended by June2007, when Hamas took over the coastal region, prompting Abbas to outlaw the Islamist democratically-elected party.