The Palestinian Detainees’ Committee has reported that around 100 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons are ongoing with the hunger strike, protesting the installation of signal jamming devices that are impacting their health.

The Committee said in a statement that the Israeli Prison Authority rounded up the striking detainees from Ramon, Eshil, the Negev detention camp, and several other prisons, and transferred them to sections 1 and 3 in Nafha prison.

It added that Israel is subjecting the detainees to various violations, including psychological pressure, in addition to repeated invasions and searches of their rooms, to force them to end their strike without even negotiating their demands.

The Committee also stated that the detainees have basic demands, including allowing them access to public phones so that they can contact their families, in addition to lifting all sanctions imposed them.

It is worth mentioning that on September 10th, the detainees, especially in Ramon, started a serious of measures after the administration unilaterally voided the agreement which was reached with the striking detainees this past April, especially the removal of jamming devices and the installation of public phones.

The detainees held several sessions of negotiations with the administration, but their demands were rejected, and no progress was ever reached.