On Tuesday, Israeli forces abducted seven Palestinian citizens in the southern West Bank governorates of Bethlehem and Hebron.

Occupation soldiers abducted a young man from the village of Al-Ubeidiya, east of Bethlehem after storming his home.

Media sources said that Israeli troops abducted, on Tuesday morning, the young man, Makram Tawfiq Khalifa, 22, in Al-Ubeidiya town, after invading and ransacking his father’s home.

Meanwhile, in the Hebron governorate, occupation forces abducted six Palestinian young men and confiscated several citizens’ vehicles.

Media sources said that soldiers abducted the young man, Ahmad Akram Abu Muqaddam in the village of Khursa, southwest of Hebron.

Sources added that the army abducted Arif Marai Zeidat, Ali Darwish Zeidat, and Musa Abu Sakout in the town of Bani Na’im, east of the city, in addition to Saed Ayoub Al-Hawamdeh and Yousef Ali Al-Hawamdeh from As-Samu’ town, south of the city.

Furthermore, in the village of Susya, south of Hebron, occupation forces invaded and ransacked the home of the head of the village council, Jihad Al-Nawaj’a, and handed his son, Mohammad, a summons to report for an intelligence review.

Soldiers stormed the Ashkara School in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and confiscated several citizens’ vehicles.

In related news, Israeli forces invaded the Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of the city, on Tuesday evening, sparking protests.

Media sources said that soldiers fired live rounds at those who resisted the incursion; no injuries were reported.