Israeli soldiers and police officers invaded, late on Friday at night [June, 13, 2014] Rahat city, the largest Bedouin community in the Negev, conducted military searches, and kidnapped several residents.The Ma’an News Agency has reported that dozens of soldiers invaded local homes searching for Palestinian workers, staying and working in Israel without entry or work permits.

Ma’an said that the arrests are believed to be connected to the disappearance of three Israeli teenage settlers, who went missing on Thursday near the Gush Etzion settlement block, north of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.

Eyewitnesses stated that the police usually conducts day invasions into areas were Palestinians work, but this invasion was the largest, and was conducted at night.

The army also contained its invasions and military searches in various Palestinian communities in the Hebron district, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank; several arrests have been reported.

Three Missing Israelis Feared Dead

Three Teenage Israelis Missing In West Bank