Israeli soldiers opened fire and seriously wounded four Palestinians on Wednesday morning near the Village of Deir ballout in the Salfit district.

According to eyewitnesses, soldiers opened fire from a close distance and without a warning at four villagers as they attempted to prevent bulldozers from uprooting trees in their family grooves.   

Local sources identified the wounded to IMEMC as Amjad Abdullah 33 and his brother Maher 28, Khalil Abduallh 54, and Hamada Wahab 24.

The same source said that the each of the wounded four were hit by several bullets in the stomach, the chest and the back.

Three of the wounded were moved in an army ambulance to Belnson hospital inside Israel, while the fourth was moved to Ramallah governmental hospital.

The local source said that for the past 20 days the four hve been camping in their family grooves due to fears that army would bring bulldozers and uproot their trees to prepare ground for the construction of the separation wall.

According to the village council, the wall would take 2000 dunams of the village land