Palestinian Chief negotiator, Dr. Saeb Erekat, said on Wednesday that
any coming cabinet of the Palestinian Authority must have a program
that depends of the international and Arab legitimacy.

The statements of Erekat came during a meeting with the Chinese representative to the Palestinian Authority, Mr. Titsushi Kundo.

Erekat stated that peace and security in the region can be achieved through a serious and meaningful peace process that will eventually lead to the implementation of the Road Map Plan.
The peace process must lead to ending the Israeli occupation of the occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian independent state.

Also, Erekat added that the Israeli policy of settlement construction and expansion, the Annexation Wall and collective punishment practiced against the Palestinians led to expanding the cycle of violence in the region.
On Tuesday, Palestinian officials from the Hamas and Fateh parties traded accusations on the responsibility of the failure of the Qatar i initiative.

Qatar Foreign Minister, Hamad Bin Jassem Al Thani, visited Gaza and presented the initiative that aims at presenting a peace plan to end the crisis in the Palestinian territories.

Nabil Amr, media consultant of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, held the Hamas party and the Hamas-led government responsible for the failure of the Qatar initiative.

Hamas' Mahmoud Zahhar, the Palestinian Foreign Minister, accused advisors of Abbas who attended the meeting with Al Thani of attempting to undermine the Qatar efforts.

Zahhar accused Abbas' aides of working on an “external agenda which does not serve the Palestinian interests”.

On his side, Amr said in a Ramallah press conference that “no agreement was reached because Hamas rejected the Qatar initiative”.

Amr denied the possibility of a soon meeting between Abbas and Prime Minister, Haniyya.