On Wednesday morning, Israeli forces invaded Hebron city in the southern part of the West Bank and the nearby villages of Yata, Doura, and Halhol. Eight Palestinian men were abducted in the operation.

In Yatta village south of Hebron, Israeli jeeps and troops stormed and searched a number of houses and ransacked them. During the operation the Israeli army abducted five villagers, eyewitnesses reported.  

Sources in the village identified the five as: Mohamed Makhamrah, 33, Fahid Awad, 35, Ahmad Makhamrah, 37, Mussa Al Najar, 40, and Mohamed Al Hiranni, 38. 

Moreover, in downtown Hebron city, and the nearby village of Halhol, Israeli forces attacked and searched residents' homes, and took three Palestinian men prisoner.  

Local sources identified the three as; Abed Al Zama'rah, 23, from Halhol, Rami Al Shahaniet, 19, from Doura, and Mohamed Al Rijbi, 28, form Hebron city. The sources added that soldiers gave military orders for another six men in the city to be interviewed at the secret service office in the Kufar Atzion military post east of the city. 

Some of the families of the attacked houses reported that soldiers trashed the houses and fired live rounds and sound bombs inside during their search; residents added that anyone who tried to ask the Israeli soldiers not to damage the house was attacked with rifle butts and batons.