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One man dies of wounds sustained during internal clashes in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army continues to attack civilians in the West Bank. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

The Gaza strip Update

One Palestinian man died on Tuesday of wounds he sustained on Monday during internal clashes in Khan Younis city in the southern part of the Gaza strip. Abd Al Razik Abu Masoud was announced dead on Tuesday after sustaining critical wounds late Monday afternoon when two families in Khan Younis clashed with each other, medical sources reported.

The family feuds in the city started on Monday and have claimed the lives of four civilians, and left at least seven injured, local sources reported. Palestinian sources stated that gunmen from three rival families in Khan Younis clashed with each other on Monday afternoon in the city center and that the clashes lasted for several hours.

The West Bank Update

Fears of destabilization filled the Nablus streets today after internal clashes resumed at dawn. Six people were injured when fighting erupted between members of one of the Fateh wings and the Palestinian security forces.

Law and order had momentarily returned to the northern West Bank city which regularly suffers under routine Israeli sieges. However, early on Tuesday three Palestinian police cars were burned while the security forces’ headquarters faced heavy gunfire.

Eyewitnesses reported that the incident began when police stopped a car to check the vehicle’s legal documents. An exchange of fire ensued leading to injuries, and state of panic overtook the city center near Martyr’s Square.

In the meantime, Israeli troops impeded the movement of Palestinian civilians between the two cities of Jenin and Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank on Tuesday morning. Without warning, Israeli forces erected a number of checkpoints on the Jenin-Nablus main road, and the alternative road crossing through the city of Tubas and the nearby village of Ikaba.

Soldiers stationed at these checkpoints stopped Palestinian civilian cars for long periods of time, under the pretext of inspection and screening, which caused delays to university students and staff, workers and medical cases. The West Bank has been fully closed and the Israeli army has increased the number of checkpoints in several regions since last week’s celebration of the Jewish holiday of Passover.

Also on Tuesday morning, Israeli forces attacked a Palestinian man from Tamoun village near the northern West Bank city of Tubass.

Israeli troops stopped the man at a military checkpoint north of Tubass city; soldiers then took the man’s identity card and beat him up. He sustained moderate injures and was allowed to go on his way after some time.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces invaded Kufer Ein village to the north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah and abducted on man on Tuesday morning. Troops and army vehicles surrounded and searched the house of Majed Daghra, 32, in the village center, then took him to an unknown location. Daghra works as a security officer in the Palestinian Authority, local sources reported.


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