A protester attacked Dorit Beinisch, Israel’s Supreme Court chief justice, on Wednesday, striking her in the face with his shoe.The assailant, Pinchas Cohen, an Israeli, was reported to have screamed, ‘you’re corrupt, a traitor, because of you I lost everything’ during his assault.

Beinisch suffered a broken nose, and had her glasses broken, during a case regarding the use of medical marijuana, although the hearing is thought to be unrelated.

Having received treatment in her chambers, Beinisch returned to continue proceedings after a recess of approximately 2 hours.

Beinisch was sworn in as President of the Supreme Court, Israel’s highest judicial appointment, in 2006 and has placed significance throughout her career on the adherence of law by the executive branch of the government, particularly the Israeli military and police forces.

As a result, she has received criticism from right wing commentators.