Palestinian sources reported that Israeli soldiers demolished, on Tuesday at dawn, a Palestinian building in Beit Hanina neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem. The army also demolished sheds and structures In Jabal Al-Mokabbir.The Jerusalem Municipality sent bulldozers accompanied by several Israeli military jeeps to demolish the building that has been recently built, and was in its final stages of interior design.

In related news, soldiers bulldozed 700 meters of hothouses and stables in As-Sal’a area, in Jabal Al-Mokabbir, south of occupied East Jerusalem. The structures belong to Aziz Jamil Ja’bees.

Ja’bees stated that the attack took place around 7:30 in the morning and that the soldiers removed the livestock from the stables and spilled approximately 30 Tons of barley.

The Jerusalem Municipality also imposed a 50.000 NIS fine on Ja’bees, and informed him that he must remove the rubble on his own expense.

The resident paid more than 30.000 NIS in legal expenses while trying to save his property but to no avail.

The recent destruction of Palestinian property is the latest on ongoing and systematic polices targeting Palestinian homes and property in occupied East Jerusalem.