Local sources in Gaza have reported that Israeli soldiers opened fire at Palestinians, trying to reach their homes in Rafah, Gaza City, and several areas in the Gaza Strip. Medics and rescue teams located remains of several Palestinians in different parts of the Gaza Strip.The sources said that the army is preventing the Palestinians from reaching their homes in areas that witnessed heaving bombardment on Friday, at dawn, on Thursday evening and during previous days, opening fire at several them.

Three Palestinians were injured east of Rafah, two hours after the temporary 72-hour ceasefire started.

Medical sources said medics and rescue teams located the remains of at least eight Palestinians in Gaza City, Rafah, Khan Younis, and several other areas, while four Palestinians have been killed following the beginning of the temporary ceasefire; more than fifteen Palestinians have been injured by army fire.

The body of resident Ahmad Mohammad Hassanein was located in an area east of Gaza, while the remains of Bassel Diab al-Basyouni, and an unidentified Palestinians was found in northern Gaza.

Remains of two Palestinians, identified as Mousa Hamad Abu ‘Amran and Hilal Eid Abu ‘Amran, were located under the rubble of their home, bombarded by the army on Friday at dawn, in Khan Younis.

The remains of another Palestinian identified as Shadi Mohammad Jom’a Abu Daher, 29, were found in al-Meghraqa area, in Khan Younis.

The remains of resident Hasan Abdul-Majid al-Bayyoumi were also found under the rubble of his home in Deir al-Balah, in Central Gaza, and were moved to the al-Aqsa Hospital.

Earlier Friday, the remains of eight Palestinians have been located in ongoing search under rubble of bombarded homes, in Gaza, Rafah and Beit Lahia.

Earlier Friday, sixteen Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip before the temporary ceasefire started, while the army continued to target the Palestinians after the ceasefire came into effect.

According to the correspondent of France 24 TV in Gaza, at least four Palestinians, and three Israeli soldiers, have been killed after the temporary ceasefire started on Friday morning.

|Related – Friday|
Eight Family Members Killed In Khan Younis, Eight More Killed In Different Strikes

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List of Palestinians Killed: 7/8 – 8/1