The Green Brigade Celtic Football Fan Club has organized a solidarity rally  to commemorate the 70th Palestinian Nakba and denounce Israeli crimes, the latest of which was the killing of 63 peaceful demonstrators on the borders of the Gaza Strip.

Fans of the Scottish football team made their solidarity stand in the 70th minute of the game, to mark the symbolism of the seventy years of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, where they raised the Palestinian flags and signs that said “Celtic Stands with Palestine… End Genocide, End Zionism,” to draw attention to  historical injustice of the Israeli occupation.

Director of the International Relations Department at Lajee Center,  Mohammed Al Azraq, who is based in Scotland, pointed out that the club is known for its solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause, and has brought attention to it in a remarkable way.

According to the PNN, Al-Azraq praised the efforts of various institutions, and especially the Green Brigade fan-club, which strongly and openly express their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

For his part, Matthew Yousef, organizer of the Green Brigade said that the solidarity stand comes as part of the Celtic Club solidarity  campaigns, and is based on their belief in the rights of the Palestinian people, especially the right of return and self-determination.

Yousef stressed that Celtic fans continue to support the Palestinian people, and continue to consider Jerusalem as the capital of Arab Palestine, stressing that the public and the club association will remain on the side of Palestinian rights.

This is not the first time that the  club has been known to express solidarity with Palestinian rights, as the brigade organizes many solidarity activities with the Palestinian people, throughout the year.

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