Israeli soldiers attacked Thursday, Palestinian farmers and volunteers picking olive trees in orchards owned by the residents in the al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The WAFA Palestinian News Agency said the soldiers invaded the Palestinian orchards, near the illegal Aliya colony, which was installed on private lands.

It added that the soldiers fired any gas bombs, and concussion grenades, in addition to assaulting several Palestinians with their batons.

The soldiers also detained the Samer ‘Oweiss, the head of al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya Village Council, and Suleiman Oweiss, in addition to confiscating mobile phones carried by Palestinian journalists.

On Wednesday, several colonists attacked many Palestinians picking olive trees in their orchards in Ya’bad town, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

Also Wednesday, the colonists invaded Palestinian orchards in Qaryout village, south Nablus, and forced the residents out, for the fourth consecutive day.

In addition, a group of colonists attacked Palestinian olive orchards near Salfit, in central West Bank, before steeling ladders, olive picking equipment, and mattresses.

The attacks come while groups of illegal Israeli colonialist settlers continue to invade Palestinian olive orchards, cut trees and assault the villagers, in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The violations always witness a serious escalation every year during the olive harvest season in occupied Palestine.