On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers demolished a Palestinian home in Beit Safafa town, southeast of occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers invaded Beit Safafa and closed and isolated several streets before demolishing a home.

They added that the home, owned by Palestinians from the Sonoqrot family on their land, was a two-story building.

The army claims the home was built without a construction permit from the City Council in occupied Jerusalem.

On Monday morning, Israeli soldiers invaded Hizma town, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, and demolished fifteen Palestinian commercial structures.

Last Friday, the Israeli occupation authorities forced a Palestinian to demolish his home in Beit Hanina town, north of Jerusalem.

Many Palestinians in the occupied city resort to constructing their homes without permits due to Israel’s continued refusal to issue these permits, while the growing families find themselves living in small homes or apartments.

At the same time, Israel continues to build and expand its illegal, segregated colonies in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, in direct violation of International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and various United Nations and Security Council resolutions.

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) has revealed that, in 2022, Israel demolished 928 structures and displaced 953 Palestinians, with a further 28.255 Palestinians affected.

ICAHD added that in 2021, 3004 structures were demolished in the Negev/Naqab – 431 homes and 2553 agriculture and livelihood structures.