Israeli soldiers injured, Thursday, three Palestinians in the Yabrud bridge area, east of the al-Biereh city, in the Ramallah and al-Biereh governorate, in central West Bank.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers fired several live rounds and rubber-coated steel bullets at a Palestinian car, forcing it to stop.

They added that the soldiers then attacked the driver and two passengers, causing various cuts and bruises, before leaving the area.

The soldiers had no reason to open fire at the car and did not abduct or detain the Palestinians.

Palestinian medics rushed to the scene and moved the three injured young men to a clinic in Silwad town, northeast of Ramallah.

In related news, Israeli colonialist settlers invaded Palestinian farmland in Burin village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and stole 110 haystacks, owned by Mohammad Raja and Jamal Eid.

In addition, undercover Israeli soldiers kidnapped, Thursday, a young Palestinian man in Biddu town, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

In related news, the soldiers assaulted and abducted, Thursday, two Palestinian journalists in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in occupied East Jerusalem.

Photo By WAFA News