A group of illegal Israeli colonialist settlers uprooted, Sunday, more than one hundred olive saplings in Qusra town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Emad Hasan, a member of Qusra Town Council, said the assailants came from the illegal Yesh Kodesh colony which was installed on stolen Palestinian lands.

He added that the colonists invaded orchards, approximately seven Dunams, owned by Jawad Jamil Hasan and Abdul-Athim Abu Lafi, and uprooted at least 100 recently planted saplings.

It is worth mentioning that, on Saturday, the colonists destroyed an electricity grid on the main road linking between Qusra and Jaloud.

In related news, Palestinian farmers from Battir town, west of Bethlehem, south of the occupied Palestinian capital Jerusalem, in the West Bank, confronted and managed to prevent a group of illegal Israeli colonists from uprooting their lands.