On Saturday, Israeli colonizers attacked Palestinian citizens in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron, while the army seized two excavators.

Illegal Israeli colonizers attacked Palestinian citizens, on Saturday evening, in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron.

Media sources said that colonizers from the illegal “Carmel” colony, under the protection of the Israeli army, attacked Palestinian citizens in the village of Umm al-Khair in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

Sources added that Israeli settlers sprayed several citizens with pepper-spray, causing inhalation injuries and burns to their eyes.

Meanwhile, a group of paramilitary colonizers stormed the home of the citizen, Adel Nassar, in the town of Bani Na’im, east of Hebron.

Sources added that the armed colonizers broke down the doors to the home and terrorized the children by aiming their machine guns at them.

Furthemore, Israeli soldiers confiscated two privately-owned excavators while they were working to rehabilitate citizens’ lands south of Hebron.

In related news, occupation forces stormed, on Saturday evening, the town of Al-Khader, west of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank, triggering protests.

Media sources said that soldiers invaded the town of Al-Khader and fired concussion grenades and tear gas canisters towards those who resisted the incursion; no injuries were reported.