A group of illegal Israeli colonizers invaded, earlier Thursday, Palestinian orchards near the al-Mazra’a al-Gharbiya village, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, before cutting and uprooting more than 300 olive trees.

Sa’ada Zaqqout, the head of the al-Mazra’a al-Gharbiya Village Council, said the Palestinians went to their orchards to pick their olive trees but found out that the colonizers have cut and uprooted more than 300 trees.

Zaqout added that the colonizers came from an illegal Israeli colony that was built on stolen Palestinian lands near the orchard, and constantly try to expand it.

The colonizers repeatedly prevent the Palestinians from reaching their lands and orchards in the area, while Israeli soldiers also installed an iron gate and concrete blocks to prevent the Palestinian vehicles from reaching the lands.

On Wednesday, Israeli colonists stole harvesting tools and olive harvest from a Palestinian-owned orchard, in the village of Qaryout, south of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.

Early Tuesday morning, Illegal Israeli colonists chopped dozens of Palestinian olive trees in the northern occupied West Bank, northwest of Nablus, the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA) reported.

On Tuesday, a group of colonizers attacked many Palestinians while picking their olive trees in their orchards, west of Nahhalin town, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

It is worth mentioning that the past week witnessed a serious escalation in similar violations in various parts of the West Bank, including attacking the villages, cutting and uprooting trees, harvesting and stealing the produce, especially in various villages and towns in the southern areas of Nablus governorate.

While the assaults and violations by the illegal colonizers against the Palestinians and their property are ongoing, they witness a sharp escalation during the olive harvest season.