Israeli forces killed two Palestinian young men and shot a child, on Saturday afternoon, during the ongoing military assault on the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, ongoing for four consecutive days.

The General Authority of Civil Affairs informed the Palestinian Health Ministry that Israeli forces killed the two citizens, Mohammad Amin Talal Abdullah, 19, and Amjad Mustafa Ibrahim Saleh, 23, in the Jenin refugee camp.

Earlier, Ahmad Jibril, the director of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Ambulance and Emergency Services in Nablus, said that occupation forces prevented their ambulance crews from approaching the slain young men.

Quds News Network reported that Israeli soldiers opened fire with live rounds at the PRCS ambulance when it tried to enter the Jenin refugee camp, despite prior coordination.

Media sources said that occupation forces confiscated the bodies of the slain men and took them to an unknown location; their cause of death was unknown at the time of writing this report.

Meanwhile, the PRCS reported earlier on Saturday that Israeli forces shot a child in the head with live ammunition; he was transported to the hospital for treatment.

On Saturday evening, Israeli forces bombed a citizens’ home in the city; this is a new development, any updates will be added as they become available.

Occupation forces have maintained a tight siege on Jenin city and its camp for the past four days, sending in additional reinforcements, including bulldozers and front-end loaders.

Media sources said that soldiers besieged a citizen’s home on the outskirts of the German neighborhood, and fired an “Energa” anti-tank grenade into it, causing fire to break out; there were no reports of injuries.

Furthermore, sources added that occupation forces detained several citizens in the Al-Damj neighborhood of the Jenin reufgee camp, using them as human shields, amid the intense fire of live ammunition.

Sources added that the Al-Damj neighborhood has been subjected to a total siege, since dawn, while bulldozers have destroyed roads and vital infrastructure.

In the eastern neighborhood of the city, Israeli forces conducted a large-scale search campaign, invading and searching many citizens’ homes, while bulldozers continued to destroy roads and parts of citizens’ homes.

Palestine TV quoted the Mayor of Jenin who said that the water is completely cut off from the Jenin refugee camp, while the city’s water supply is 80% depleted.

According to Dr. Wissam Bakr, the director of Jenin Governmental Hospital, on the first day of its aggression, the army destroyed the main transformer which supplies the hospital, forcing them to operate the backup generators, which are running out of fuel.

Bakr added, “The occupation is obstructing the entry and exit of ambulance crews to the hospital, as well as obstructing the arrival of citizens and patients.”

He added that soldiers continue to besiege the Ibn Sina Hospital and prevent ambulances from accessing patients, while ambulance crews are experiencing great difficulty driving on the torn up streets.

Media sources said that the army prevented Civil Defense crews from reaching the Jenin Governmental Hospital to deliver water, while the hospital announced the suspension of the kidney dialysis program due to the shortage of water.

On Saturday evening, the PRCS evacuated several patients from the Jenin Governmental Hospital to the Al-Razi Hospital as a result of the lack of water and fuel for generators.

Bashir Matahin, Director of Public Relations and Media in Jenin Municipality, told WAFA News Agency that occupation forces have extensive destruction to 70% of the city’s streets.

Matahin added that the bulldozers destroyed water and sewage networks, in addition to communication and electricity networks.

He also said that occupation forces burned several commercial stalls at the central vegetable market in the city, causing severe damage.

According to Quds News Network (QNN), one Israeli soldier was killed, on Saturday morning, and others injured during the protracted military aggression against the city of Jenin and its refugee camp.

QNN reported that Palestinian resistance fighters engaged in armed exchanges in several areas across the city and its camp, and set up an ambush in the Al-Damj neighborhood in the Jenin camp.

Sources added that resistance fighters targeted the army vehicles with crude explosive devices, killing Staff Sergeant, Elkana Navon, 20, injuring others, and causing damage to the vehicle.

At least two military helicopters were deployed to evacuate the injured soldiers to Rambam Hospital in Haifa.

It is worth mentioning that Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers have escalated their crimes and violations in the occupied West Bank, over the past several days, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, in addition to destroying homes, cars, streets, and infrastructure.

Names of slain Palestinians In West Bank Since August 27:

  1. Mohammad Amin Talal Abdullah, 19, Jenin, 08.31.2024.
  2. Amjad Mustafa Ibrahim Saleh, 23, Jenin, 08.31.2024.
  3. Mohammad Ihsan Yaqin Maraqa, 18, Hebron, 08.31.2024.
  4. Zohdi Nidal Abu Afifa, 19, Hebron, 08.31.2024.
  5. Maysara Suleiman Abdul Masharqa, 33, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  6. Arafat Jasser Ahmad Amer, 27, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  7. Wissam Ayman Zidan Khazem, 30, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  8. Tawfiq Ahmad Younis Qandeel, 83, Jenin.
  9. Mohammad Bassam Orabi, 32, Jenin, 08.29.2024.
  10. Ayed Mahmoud Nimer Abu Al-Haija, 64, Tulkarem, 28.2024.
  11. Mohammad Ibrahim Tawfiq Abed, 31, Jenin, 28.2024.
  12. Ahmad Moayyad Mahmoud Sous, 21, Jenin, 28.2024.
  13. Sa’id Ali Sa’id Wahdan, 29, Jenin, 28.2024.
  14. Mohammad Nidal Abdul-Rahman, 21, Jenin, 28.2024.
  15. Morad Mas’ud Na’ja (Ja’aysa), 13, Tubas, 28.2024.
  16. Mohammad Mas’ud Na’ja (Ja’aysa), 17, Tubas, 28.2024.
  17. Ahmad Saleh Nabrisi, 18, Tubas, 28.2024.
  18. Ibrahim Abdul-Qader Ghneima, 21, Tubas,28.2024.
  19. Qassam Mohammad Jabarin, 24, Jenin, 08.27.2024.
  20. Assem Walid Bal’out (Dabaya), 39, Jenin, 08.27.2024.
  21. Firas Bassam Alaqma “Turkman”, 34, Jenin, 08.28.2024.
  22. Adnan Ayser Jaber, 15, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  23. Mohammad Ahmad Elian, 16, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  24. Mohannad Kamal Qaraawi, 20, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  25. Jibril Ghassan Ismail Jibril, 20, Qalqilia, 27.2024.
  26. Mohammad Ali Mustafa Yousef, 49, Jenin, 27.2024.