Israeli soldiers abducted, on Thursday at dawn, three Palestinians in the West Bank governorate of Bethlehem, and one in Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, after breaking into their homes, and violently searching them.

The Bethlehem office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said several army vehicles invaded Za’tara village, east of Bethlehem, and abducted Ahmad Za’al Sahouri, 23.

It added that the soldiers also invaded the al-Khader town, south of Bethlehem, and abducted Marwan Hussein Issa.

The soldiers also abducted a lawyer, identified as Hussein Mahmoud Sheikh, 34, from his home in Marah Rabah village, south of Bethlehem.

Furthermore, dozens of soldiers invaded Jenin refugee camp, in Jenin city, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, and abducted Islam Ali ‘Azayza, 21.

Also at dawn, the soldiers invaded several homes in different areas of Tulkarem governorate, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, and abducted six Palestinians, after breaking into their homes and violently searching them.

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