On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers invaded the al-Isawiya and Beit Hanina towns in occupied Jerusalem, demolished a barn, and bulldozed a concrete foundation.

Mohammad Abu al-Hummus, a member of the Follow-up Committee in the al-Isawiya town, said the soldiers demolished a barn for horses owned by Palestinians from the local Mheisin family.

He added that the barn’s demolition was conducted without a warning, an issue that denied the family the opportunity to file an appeal.

Video – Maan News Agency

In Beit Hanina town, the soldiers demolished a concrete foundation of a building after surrounding and isolating the area around it.

The soldiers also invaded Silwan town in Jerusalem and photographed several homes and structures.

On Wednesday morning, Israeli soldiers invaded Nahhalin town, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, and demolished several agricultural sheds.

In related news, the army demolished a car repair facility and a wall surrounding it near the illegal Annexation Wall in Anata town, northeast of the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

The soldiers also demolished an under-construction home owned by a Palestinian political prisoner in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah in the central West Bank.